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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Kerry won flat out

He kicked his ass, while Bush was smirking and rolling his eyes Kerry had a strong, solid message about how he would handle foregin policy, feel good people All Bush had was an annoyed smirk!

Smile, it's about time!

BUsh is stuttering and blinking and losing the debate, almost pathetic!

Watch the debate, and God Willing Bush is put in his place!


Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Sean Hannity drinking game (drink responsibly)

Tired of listening to the same old drivel from this right wing hack?

Make his verbal diarrhea work for you, this game brings people together no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.

The game is simple, every time Sean says one of the following examples you either:

1. Sip

2. Take a shot

3. Chug!

Whatever drink you choose is just fine as long as there is plenty of it, my choice would be Tequila for the adults and Iced Tea for the kids.

Take a Sip when Sean...

Sean misquotes a democrat

Sighs, yells, laughs off camera when it's Alan's turn to do an interview

Does a terrible Clinton impression

Says something absolutely stupid

Misquotes John Kerry

Says Kerry is a flip flopper

Says Bush is a great president

Is rude to a guest he's debating

Mentions the "Hannitization" Tour

Mentions his radio show/ TV show.

Verbally castrates Alan Colmes

Newt Ginrich is a guest

Ollie North is a guest

Some ABC official is a guest on his radio show.

Take a shot when Sean...

Calls Ollie North a Patriot

Says the same five things in under half an hour, any talking point will do!

Calls Newt a Historian

Mentions 25 million free Iraqis

Asks what the definition "is" is.

Poses a specious question and the guest looks dumbfounded

If a country music act is booked on the show

Looks outraged someone calls Thug co. out on their lies

Mentions Ted Kennedy is a drunk

Says things are getting better in Iraq

When presented with a rock solid fact, Sean still holds his false talking point.

Has Ann Coulter as a guest

Says Kerry voted for the $87 billion, then voted against it

Fails to mention most Senate Republicans voted against the $87 billion before voting for it.

Fails to mention President Bush was against the $87 billion, then was for it.

Says we have the best economy in 20 years

CHUG when Sean...

Calls someone a liar

Pretends to be knowledgeable about any topic

Headline guest on either show is a conservative talking head.

Apologizes for making a mistake, without trying to make an excuse!

Alan Colmes trashes Sean Hannity!

I hope you have some fun with this game and again, drink responsibly! Designate a driver have him drink some tea.

Don't use this as an excuse and blame me if you end up looking like an ass because chances are you probably looked like an ass well before you stated this drinking game.

Majority of Bush supporters have no idea what he stands for, are any of you suprised?

s the nation prepares to watch the presidential candidates debate foreign policy issues, a new PIPA-Knowledge Networks poll finds that Americans who plan to vote for President Bush have many incorrect assumptions about his foreign policy positions. Kerry supporters, on the other hand, are largely accurate in their assessments. The uncommitted also tend to misperceive Bush’s positions, though to a smaller extent than Bush supporters, and to perceive Kerry’s positions correctly. Steven Kull, director of PIPA, comments: “What is striking is that even after nearly four years President Bush’s foreign policy positions are so widely misread, while Senator Kerry, who is relatively new to the public and reputed to be unclear about his positions, is read correctly.”

Majorities of Bush supporters incorrectly assumed that Bush favors including labor and environmental standards in trade agreements (84%), and the US being part of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (69%), the International Criminal Court (66%), the treaty banning land mines (72%), and the Kyoto Treaty on global warming (51%). They were divided between those who knew that Bush favors building a new missile defense system now (44%) and those who incorrectly believe he wishes to do more research until its capabilities are proven (41%). However, majorities were correct that Bush favors increased defense spending (57%) and wants the US, not the UN, to take the stronger role in developing Iraq’s new government (70%).

Kerry supporters were much more accurate in assessing their candidate’s positions on all these issues. Majorities knew that Kerry favors including labor and environmental standards in trade agreements (90%); the US being part of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (77%); the International Criminal Court (59%); the land mines treaty (79%); and the Kyoto Treaty on climate change (74%). They also knew that he favors continuing research on missile defense without deploying a system now (68%), and wants the UN, not the US, to take the stronger role in developing Iraq’s new government (80%). A plurality of 43% was correct that Kerry favors keeping defense spending the same, with 35% assuming he wants to cut it and 18% to expand it.

The US military says the Iraqi Guerillas are home grown NOT foreign fighters.

The insistence by interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and many U.S. officials that foreign fighters are streaming into Iraq to battle American troops runs counter to the U.S. military's own assessment that the Iraqi insurgency remains primarily a home-grown problem.

In a U.S. visit last week, Allawi spoke of foreign insurgents "flooding" his country, and both President Bush and his Democratic challenger, Massachusetts Sen. John F. Kerry, have cited these fighters as a major security problem.

But according to top U.S. military officers in Iraq, the threat posed by foreign fighters is far less significant than American and Iraqi politicians portray. Instead, commanders said, loyalists of Saddam Hussein's regime — who have swelled their ranks in recent months as ordinary Iraqis bristle at the U.S. military presence in Iraq — represent the far greater threat to the country's fragile 3-month-old government.

Foreign militants such as Jordanian-born Abu Musab Zarqawi are believed responsible for carrying out videotaped beheadings, suicide car bombings and other high-profile attacks. But U.S. military officials said Iraqi officials tended to exaggerate the number of foreign fighters in Iraq to obscure the fact that large numbers of their countrymen have taken up arms against U.S. troops and the American-backed interim Iraqi government.

"They say these guys are flowing across [the border] and fomenting all this violence. We don't think so," said a senior military official in Baghdad. "What's the main threat? It's internal."

Ralph Reed lied on the Daily Show (No Link), he said we lost a million jobs because of 9/11

We never lost a million jobs because of 9/11. here is the link to the Dept. Of Labor's stats.

Using the dead to make excuses, ghouls!


Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Krugman: Read!

Let's face it: whatever happens in Thursday's debate, cable news will proclaim President Bush the winner. This will reflect the political bias so evident during the party conventions. It will also reflect the undoubted fact that Mr. Bush does a pretty good Clint Eastwood imitation.

But what will the print media do? Let's hope they don't do what they did four years ago.

Interviews with focus groups just after the first 2000 debate showed Al Gore with a slight edge. Post-debate analysis should have widened that edge. After all, during the debate, Mr. Bush told one whopper after another - about his budget plans, about his prescription drug proposal and more. The fact-checking in the next day's papers should have been devastating.

But as Adam Clymer pointed out yesterday on the Op-Ed page of The Times, front-page coverage of the 2000 debates emphasized not what the candidates said but their "body language." After the debate, the lead stories said a lot about Mr. Gore's sighs, but nothing about Mr. Bush's lies. And even the fact-checking pieces "buried inside the newspaper" were, as Mr. Clymer delicately puts it, "constrained by an effort to balance one candidate's big mistakes" - that is, Mr. Bush's lies - "against the other's minor errors."

The result of this emphasis on the candidates' acting skills rather than their substance was that after a few days, Mr. Bush's defeat in the debate had been spun into a victory.

I hate Earthquakes!

Since our big 6.7 in December we've put up with these little earthquakes all year and they just annoy the hell out of you!

We just had a 6.0 followed by a 5.1 and the fault will be active for days keeping me up all night!

Stupid tectonic plates!


Monday, September 27, 2004

Bush is painting a dishonest picture of Iraq!

Many of President Bush's assertions about progress in Iraq -- from police training and reconstruction to preparations for January elections -- are in dispute, according to internal Pentagon documents, lawmakers and key congressional aides on Sunday.

Bush used the visit last week by interim Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi to make the case that "steady progress" is being made in Iraq to counter warnings by his Democratic presidential rival, Sen. John Kerry, that the situation in reality is deteriorating.

Bush touted preparations for national elections in January, saying Iraq's electoral commission is up and running and told Americans on Saturday that "United Nations electoral advisers are on the ground in Iraq."

He said nearly 100,000 "fully trained and equipped" Iraqi soldiers, police officers and other security personnel are already at work, and that would rise to 125,000 by the end of this year.

And he promised more than $9 billion will be spent on reconstruction contracts in Iraq over the next several months.

But many of these assertions have met with skepticism from key lawmakers, congressional aides and experts, and Pentagon documents, given to lawmakers and obtained by Reuters, paint a more complicated picture.

Newsmax is accusing Democrats of voter fraud, their proof Democrats have registered far more people than the Republicans have.

Sign up for their conspiracy e-mails and laugh at the wing nuts!

A Despite Kerry's lagging polls, the Democrats still plan to win this November.


Perhaps by the old fashioned way: stealing the election.

That's the word from a top Republican strategist in Washington who tells NewsMax the Democrats have put an unusual amount of resources into "voter turnout" efforts.

NewsMax's Insider Report reported weeks ago that the 527 groups supporting Kerry, and backed by the likes of billionaire George Soros, were earmarking most of the $160 million they have raised toward voter registration and "get out the vote" efforts.

Approximately two-thirds of the 527 money - or a $100 million - will go toward these efforts.

Republicans believe many of these voter registration efforts open up the door for qualified and multiple voting schemes on Election Day.

Worse, the 527's are now claiming they will spend three times what has been previously reported to "get out the vote."

One pro-Kerry group, America Votes, told the New York Times that its backers - "labor unions, trial lawyers, environmental groups, community organizations - will spend $300 million on registration and turnout in swing states, a sum that dwarfs the $150 million in public financing the two candidates together will receive for the entire fall campaign."

NewsMax has also reported that only a handful of states were being targeted for this avalanche of cash, notably Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

However, Republicans believe this will lay the groundwork not for a Democratic electoral victory on November 2nd, but for election theft on November 2nd.

NewsMax reports were confirmed this Sunday in the New York Times, which headlined its story "A Big Increase of New Voters in Swing States."

The paper said, " A sweeping voter registration campaign in heavily Democratic areas has added tens of thousands of new voters to the rolls in the swing states of Ohio and Florida, a surge that has far exceeded the efforts of Republicans in both states, a review of registration data shows."

So registering voters is now a sign of voter fraud?

If you're going to accuse the Democrats of "Stealing the Election" you'd better have rock solid, this isn't Florida where Republicans really did steal the election and the proof to back up that claim.

60 minutes wont air a segment that could hurt Bush's reelection!

BS News said yesterday that it had postponed a "60 Minutes" segment that questioned Bush administration rationales for going to war in Iraq.

The announcement, in a statement by a spokeswoman, was issued four days after the network acknowledged that it could not prove the authenticity of documents it used to raise new questions about President Bush's Vietnam-era military service.

The Iraq segment had been ready for broadcast on Sept. 8, BS said, but was bumped at the last minute for the segment on Mr. Bush's National Guard service. The Guard segment was considered a highly competitive report, one that other journalists were pursuing.

BS said last night that the report on the war would not run before Nov. 2.

"We now believe it would be inappropriate to air the report so close to the presidential election," the spokeswoman, Kelli Edwards, said in a statement.

So much for the forth estate, isn't it the media's job no matter what political party is the current office holder to hold truth to power?

No matter what the right-wing or their talking heads say on FOX or the other networks simple fact is the Bush administration lied our country into war using bloated or unvetted or out right forgeries to lead us into a war we are currently loosing. They wanted this war since 1997 to secure their oil fields and secure strategic dominance in the region and they got their chance by hijacking 9/11 and using our fear to conduct this war.

The media's job is to speak truth to power, no matter what, if it makes the current leadership squirm, GOOD they need to squirm, they need to be made nervous; the media's job is to make sure the powerful knows it's boundaries. What true whores they are, if John Kerry lied us into a war I would be just as rabid against him and I would expect the media to jump all over him for lying and I believe the same standard should be applied to everyone. Every time I watch Cable news I wait for some brave reporter to come out swinging with he evidence we all have proving Bush and Cheney liars and the only thing they have for their viewers is "Kerry flip-flops" or other senseless crap, I don't give a shit about Kobie or Scott Peterson's trials, I give a shit about Lacy and her baby and Kobie's victims not what those assclowns wore on their court appearances, doesn't that degrade their deaths or that violent act?

I wish we could have a BBC here, boring straight up news, of course BBC hasn't been perfect over the years but compared to our news BBC is fucking gospel.

So the fourth estate has left their job to you, the viewer, the blogger, the citizen.

It's up to you to distribute the news, investigate everything and keep the people in power honest if we don't the powerful will use it's power to dig it's claws deeper into their seats.

Fuck you (C)BS News.


Friday, September 24, 2004

Mobile Blog

The wonderful Salinas, Ca!

My trendy size 12 shoes, because nothing is worth taking pictures of at 5 AM.

More pictures coming soon, heading off to Arizona in a few weeks and I will have nothing to do but make movies and take pictures!

Florida being punished for allowing BUsh in office, more evacuations

Florida Governor Jeb Bush ordered yet another state of emergency as Hurricane Jeanne menaces the state with 100-mile-per-hour winds.

Voluntary evacuations have been ordered for coastal residents in Palm Beach, Martin and St. Lucie Counties -- the same area where Hurricane Frances caused billions of dollars in damage. Many of the same residents had to evacuate for Hurricane Frances just three weeks ago.

Mandatory evacuations will begin tomorrow.

Forecasters say Jeanne is expected to make landfall Sunday, but the forecast track is very tricky because of a predicted turn to the north about the time the system is to make landfall.


Thursday, September 23, 2004

No other way to desribe Iraq: Hell!

Three years after the attacks on the World Trade Center, attacks in which they played no part, the people of Iraq have been liberated from one tyranny only to be remanded to another: continuous urban warfare, religious extremism and a contagion of fear. The celebrated hand of the free market in Iraq has brought not only cellphones and satellite TV, it has also brought down prices for automatic weapons, making them affordable to the average Iraqi. The last time I checked, a rocket-propelled grenade launcher cost about $250.

In his address to the United Nations on Tuesday, President Bush told a subdued General Assembly, "Today, the Iraqi and Afghan people are on the path to democracy and freedom. The governments that are rising will pose no threat to others. Instead of harboring terrorists, they're fighting terrorist groups. And this progress is good for the long-term security of us all." The words of the president ring hollow.

It is words to this effect that Iraq interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi will likely echo during his visit to the White House Thursday.

Reconstruction, the most important step on the path to a sovereign and stable Iraq, has all but stalled because of targeted acts of violence that reach all the way south to Basra and north to Mosul. Successful countermoves by the Sunni insurgents have prevented the United States and new Iraqi government from gaining any real political support. In fact, billions of dollars originally allocated for reconstruction are now headed for security companies, which are quickly becoming private militias. Unfortunately for optimistic planners in the Bush administration, the coalition is up against not one single group but a constellation of allied militias. It's as if the United States had gone to war against the tribal system itself. There are so many new fighter cells that they are at a loss to distinguish themselves, and so use kidnapping and videotapes as branding strategies. In this market, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's Tawhid wa al Jihad, with its monstrous beheading trademark, is the undisputed brand king. Some of the groups are crazier than others. It is a free market of demons.

In the past year, al-Qaida operatives have found in Iraq a fertile recruiting ground, the best possible training camp for jihad against the West, a destination any angry young man can reach if he has the will and pocket money. Iraq's borders, which stretch across hundreds of miles of empty desert, are perfect for smugglers and men seeking martyrdom. No one really knows how many people are coming into Iraq to fight the U.S. But the fighters who do make it across are changing the character of the resistance, internationalizing it, injecting religious extremism into the politics of a once-secular Iraq. Young men coming in from other countries don't fight for Iraq, they fight for Islam.

One of the unutterable truths for the administration is that the U.S. occupation is breeding and fueling insurgent groups. Iraqi government officials rightly fear for their lives, but Iraqi forces, which are supposed to be fighting alongside U.S. troops in the cause of a free and democratic Iraq, are often undisciplined, dangerous and in some places infiltrated by insurgent groups. The Mahdi Army in Sadr City has a number of police officers in its ranks, and in a little remarked upon event that took place during one of the large demonstrations in Baghdad at the time of the siege, the Iraqi police helped Sadr officials address a crowd of Muqtada al-Sadr supporters outside the neutral Green Zone.

Never mind everyone saying the situation in Iraq is going to shit, Bush and FOX news says it's going OK and Kerry flip-flops!!!


Wednesday, September 22, 2004

So according to the state dept. Iraq WASN'T an operating ground for Al-Qaida!

So why then did the Bush Junta make all of those claims?

Ashcroft over the last 3 years has 0 convictions against terrorist!

Feeling safer yet?

On Sept. 2 a federal judge in Detroit threw out the only jury conviction the Justice Department has obtained on a terrorism charge since 9/11. In October 2001, shortly after the men were initially arrested, Attorney General John Ashcroft heralded the case in a national press conference as evidence of the success of his anti-terror campaign. The indictment alleged that the defendants were associated with al Qaeda and planning terrorist attacks. But Ashcroft held no news conference in September when the case was dismissed, nor did he offer any apologies to the defendants who had spent nearly three years in jail. That wouldn't be good for his boss' campaign, which rests on the "war on terrorism." Here, as in Iraq, Bush's war is not going as well as he pretends.

The Detroit case was extremely weak from the outset. The government could never specify exactly what terrorist activity was allegedly being planned and never offered any evidence linking the defendants to al Qaeda. Its case consisted almost entirely of a pair of sketches and a videotape, described by an FBI agent as "casing materials" for a terrorist plot, and the testimony of a witness of highly dubious reliability seeking a generous plea deal. It now turns out that the prosecution failed to disclose to the defense evidence that other government experts did not consider the sketches and videotape to be terrorist casing materials at all and that the government's key witness had admitted to lying.

Until that reversal, the Detroit case had marked the only terrorist conviction obtained from the Justice Department's detention of more than 5,000 foreign nationals in anti-terrorism sweeps since 9/11. So Ashcroft's record is 0 for 5,000. When the attorney general was locking these men up in the immediate wake of the attacks, he held almost daily press conferences to announce how many "suspected terrorists" had been detained. No press conference has been forthcoming to announce that exactly none of them have turned out to be actual terrorists.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Special Report IS biased!

Just watching only half an hour of this terrible show, just makes me angry at the partisanship of this network!

It threw out some nonsense like Kerry flip-flops and it showed a video flurry of "Flip-flops"; the only problem is they weren't flip flops. Not one inconsistent statement came from the GOP-FOX, and it has Carl Cameron as the lead reporter and as we know his wife worked on the first Bush run, he is a biased reporter and this crap showed it!

No wonder people who watch FOX are so misguided on issues and the news, all they hear is bullshit innuendo and Faux news!

Bush and Annan throw veiled insults at each other!

UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and US President George W. Bush traded fresh barbs over Iraq at a sombre meeting of world leaders held in the shadow of Iraq's ongoing bloodshed.

Opening the UN's annual debate, Annan said Iraqi prisoners had been "disgracefully abused" and made veiled references to the United States in a wide-ranging speech calling on all nations to obey the rule of law.

Bush fired back that the United States had enforced "the just demands of the world" by ousting Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) in a war that has left world opinion still bitterly divided more than one year after the US-led invasion.

Aides had insisted Annan, an outspoken critic of the war who last week called it "illegal," would be keen to avoid re-opening old wounds. But he cited the prisoner abuse among "flagrant" examples of lawlessness across the globe.

"In Iraq, we see civilians massacred in cold blood, while relief workers, journalists and other non-combatants are taken hostage and put to death in the most barbarous fashion," Annan said with Bush in the audience.

"At the same time, we have seen Iraqi prisoners disgracefully abused," he said, drawing a parallel between the Iraq bloodshed and the prisoner scandal in a way destined to irk the US administration.

Annan has repeatedly been at odds with Bush's contention that the UN Security Council, which had passed a resolution threatening "serious consequences" for Saddam, had provided the legal basis for the war.

Greg Palast: Read!

"It's that fear that keeps journalists from asking the toughest of the tough questions," the aging American journalist told the British television audience.

In June 2002, Dan Rather looked old, defeated, making a confession he dare not speak on American TV about the deadly censorship -- and self-censorship -- which had seized US newsrooms. After September 11, news on the US tube was bound and gagged. Any reporter who stepped out of line, he said, would be professionally lynched as un-American.

"It's an obscene comparison," he said, "but there was a time in South Africa when people would put flaming tires around people's necks if they dissented. In some ways, the fear is that you will be necklaced here. You will have a flaming tire of lack of patriotism put around your neck." No US reporter who values his neck or career will "bore in on the tough questions."

Dan said all these things to a British audience. However, back in the USA, he smothered his conscience and told his TV audience: "George Bush is the President. He makes the decisions. He wants me to line up, just tell me where."

During the war in Vietnam, Dan's predecessor at CBS, Walter Cronkite, asked some pretty hard questions about Nixon's handling of the war in Vietnam. Today, our sons and daughters are dying in Bush wars. But, unlike Cronkite, Dan could not, would not, question George Bush, Top Gun Fighter Pilot, Our Maximum Beloved Leader in the war on terror.

On the British broadcast, without his network minders snooping, you could see Dan seething and deeply unhappy with himself for playing the game.

"What is going on," he said, "I'm sorry to say, is a belief that the public doesn't need to know -- limiting access, limiting information to cover the backsides of those who are in charge of the war. It's extremely dangerous and cannot and should not be accepted, and I'm sorry to say that up to and including this moment of this interview, that overwhelmingly it has been accepted by the American people. And the current Administration revels in that, they relish and take refuge in that."


Monday, September 20, 2004

Kerry's remarks today, he hits a grand slam!

I am honored to be here at New York University -- one of the great urban universities, not just in New York, but in the world. You have set a high standard for global dialogue and I hope to live up to that tradition today.

This election is about choices. The most important choices a president makes are about protecting America, at home and around the world. A president's first obligation is to make America safer, stronger and truer to our ideals.

Only a few blocks from here, three years ago, the events of Sept. 11 reminded every American of that obligation. That day brought to our shores the defining struggle of our times: the struggle between freedom and radical fundamentalism. And it made clear that our most important task is to fight, and to win, the war on terrorism.

With us today is a remarkable group of women who lost loved ones on Sept. 11, and whose support I am honored to have. Not only did they suffer an unbearable loss -- they helped us learn the lessons of that terrible time by insisting on the creation of the 9/11 commission. I ask them to stand. And I thank them on behalf of our country -- and I pledge to them and to you that I will implement the 9/11 recommendations.

In fighting the war on terrorism, my principles are straightforward. The terrorists are beyond reason. We must destroy them. As president, I will do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, to defeat our enemies. But billions of people around the world yearning for a better life are open to America's ideals. We must reach them.

To win, America must be strong. And America must be smart. The greatest threat we face is the possibility al-Qaida or other terrorists will get their hands on a nuclear weapon.

To prevent that from happening, we must call on the totality of America's strength. Strong alliances, to help us stop the world's most lethal weapons from falling into the most dangerous hands. A powerful military, transformed to meet the new threats of terrorism and the spread of weapons of mass destruction. And all of America's power -- our diplomacy, our intelligence system, our economic power, the appeal of our values -- each of which is critical to making America more secure and preventing a new generation of terrorists from emerging.


Sunday, September 19, 2004

Bush has some questions to answer!

Documented proof Bush did not fulfill his pledge to the Guard!

He was supposed to receive a certification of satisfactory participation from his unit.

But Bush did not.

He was supposed to sign and give a letter of resignation to his Texas unit commander.

But Bush did not.

He was supposed to receive discharge orders from the Texas Air National Guard adjutant general.

But Bush did not.

He was supposed to receive new assignment orders for the Air Force Reserves.

But Bush did not.

On his transfer request Bush was asked to list his "permanent address."

But he wrote down a post office box number for the campaign he was working for on a temporary basis.

On his transfer request Bush was asked to list his Air Force specialty code.

But Bush, an F-102 pilot, erroneously wrote the code for an F-89 or F-94 pilot. Both planes had been retired from service at the time. Bush, an officer, made this mistake more than once on the same form.

On May 26, 1972, Lt. Col. Reese Bracken, commander of the 9921st Air Reserve Squadron at Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama, informed Bush that a transfer to his nonflying unit would be unsuitable for a fully trained pilot such as he was, and that Bush would not be able to fulfill any of his remaining two years of flight obligation.

But Bush pressed on with his transfer request nonetheless.


Saturday, September 18, 2004

Did Father Stage Alleged Attack? Apperently he has been attacked three other times.

Phil Parlock and three of his children visited the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va., yesterday to catch a glimpse of Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards. Parlock, a staunch Republican, and his family were there to show support for the Bush-Cheney ticket when they were assaulted by Kerry supporters, according to a report in the local paper, The Herald-Dispatch.

What the Herald-Dispatch failed to report, however, is that Parlock also claimed to be the victim of similar assaults at the hands of Democratic renegades in 1996 and 2000 — a fact that casts doubts on Parlock's new claims.

Parlock's latest claim certainly is filled with the sort of drama that makes for a fine photo op. Sophia, his three-year-old daughter, was holding a Bush-Cheney sign when angry Democrats ripped the sign from her tiny hands, making her burst into tears. A photographer with the Associated Press happened to be right there to capture the heartbreaking tears leaking from Sophia's innocent eyes as she perched on her father's shoulders.

Compare this latest event with what allegedly happened to Parlock's family in 2000, when they tried to show support for Bush at a rally for Al Gore. At that rally, son Louis, then 12, had signs ripped right from his hands, according to a front-page report in the October 28, 2000, edition of the Charleston (W.Va.) Daily Mail. "I did not expect people to practically attack us," said Louis.

Bush to guard: "Say high to the backdoor draft!"

Democratic Sen. John Kerry on Friday accused the Bush administration of hiding a plan to mobilize more National Guard and Reserve troops after the election while glossing over a worsening conflict in Iraq.

"He won't tell us what congressional leaders are now saying, that this administration is planning yet another substantial call-up of reservists and Guard units immediately after the election," Kerry said. "Hide it from people through the election, then make the move."

The Bush campaign called the allegation of a secret plan "completely irresponsible ... false and ridiculous." The Pentagon (news - web sites) said troop replacements would include some from National Guard and Reserve units and those expected to be sent to Iraq had been notified.

While Bush has been campaigning as the best candidate to deter terrorists and protect the nation, his presidential rival portrayed him as out of touch with a serious and dangerous situation in Iraq.

"With all due respect to the president, has he turned on the evening news lately? Does he read the newspapers?" Kerry said. "Does he really know what's happening? Is he talking about the same war that the rest of us are talking about?"

No Kerry he doesn't read newspapers or watch unbiased television.


Friday, September 17, 2004

More proof the Draft is coming?

Many people have been wondering if our President has secret plans to reinstate the draft. This website will provide absolute proof that Bush is making plans to reinstate the draft by the middle of 2005.

In the last few months Bush has launched a recruiting drive for people to work on the draft boards around the country, the DefendAmerica government site posted an advert looking for volunteers, but when someone brought this to the attention of the press it was promptly removed, fueling rumours about the possibility of a draft.

There are also CURRENTLY bills in the Senate and in the house that, if passed, will make military service a requirement for all men, women (including college students) between the age of 18 and 25.

BBC interview with Katharine Gun

There is something about Katharine Gun that makes her seem an unlikely candidate for whistleblowing.

And yet this rather shy 30-year-old leaked details of an alleged plot to bug UN delegates before the Iraq war and was sacked from her job as a translator at GCHQ.

Despite spending months feeling scared and facing prosecution and, perhaps worst of all, finding herself thrust into the media spotlight she says she has no regrets.

That's not to say she doesn't have words of caution for would-be whistleblowers

"Hopefully it's a decision that no-one would take lightly," she said when we met at a fringe meeting organized by civil rights organization Liberty at the TUC in Brighton.

She describes being held overnight by the police and spending months feeling utterly isolated.


Thursday, September 16, 2004

I'm making a movie during my down time this month and next month, can't say much however it will be about guns and very funny!

Shooting will take place In California, Arizona and Mexico!

And yes this was thought up last night around 4 AM surfing the web!

US debates Iran strike, will they turn out to have nukes

The Bush administration's warnings that it will not "tolerate" a nuclear-armed Iran have opened up a lively policy debate in Washington over the merits of military strikes against the Islamic republic's nuclear programme.

Analysts close to the administration say military options are under consideration, but have not reached a level of seriousness that indicate the US is preparing actual action.

When asked, senior officials repeat that President George W. Bush is removing no option from the table - but that he believes the issue can be solved by diplomatic means.

Diplomacy on Wednesday appeared stalled.

The US and its European allies on the board of the International Atomic Energy Agency continued to wrangle over the wording of a resolution on Iran which insists it has no intention of using its advanced civilian programme to make a bomb

Hold for Irony 3...2...1

Gary Schmitt, executive director of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a neo-conservative think-tank, says that with "enough intelligence and spadework", the US could "do a good job" of slowing Iran's programme for a while.

But, he cautions, the Bush administration would need a "game plan" for the aftermath.

Note these are the same guys who DIDN'T plan for the aftermath when they drew up attack plans back in 1997

Even former top brass says Iraq has gone downhill

"Bring them on!" President Bush challenged the early Iraqi insurgency in July of last year. Since then 812 American soldiers have been killed and 6,290 wounded, according to the Pentagon. Almost every day in campaign speeches, Bush speaks with bravado about how we are "winning" in Iraq. "Our strategy is succeeding," he boasted to the National Guard convention on Tuesday.

But according to the U.S. military's leading strategists and prominent retired generals, Bush's war is already lost.

Retired Gen. William Odom, former head of the National Security Agency, told me: "Bush hasn't found the WMD. Al-Qaida, it's worse -- he's lost on that front. That he's going to achieve a democracy there? That goal is lost, too. It's lost." He added: "Right now, the course we're on, we're achieving [Osama] bin Laden's ends."

Retired Gen. Joseph Hoare, the former Marine commandant and head of the U.S. Central Command, told me: "The idea that this is going to go the way these guys planned is ludicrous. There are no good options. We're conducting a campaign as though it were being conducted in Iowa, no sense of the realities on the ground. It's so unrealistic for anyone who knows that part of the world. The priorities are just all wrong."

"I see no ray of light on the horizon at all," said Jeffrey Record, professor of strategy at the Air War College. "The worst case has become true. There's no analogy whatsoever between the situation in Iraq and the advantages we had after World War II in Germany and Japan."

Bush fucked it up and all he has now is talk and excuses!


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Bush 2004/ Draft 2005

The United States military may run out of national guard and reserve troops for the war on terrorism because of existing limits on involuntary mobilisations, a congressional watchdog agency warned in a report released overnight (AEST).

Government Accountability Office (GAO) said the US Government has considered changing the policy to make members of the 1.2 million-strong guard and reserve subject to repeated involuntary mobilisation, so long as no single mobilisation exceeds 24 consecutive months.

In commenting on the report, the Department of Defence (DOD) says it plans to keep its current approach.

"Under DOD's current implementation of the authority, reserve component members can be involuntarily mobilised more than once, but involuntary mobilisations are limited to a cumulative total of 24 months," the report said.

"If DOD's implementation of the partial mobilisation authority restricts the cumulative time that reserve component forces can be mobilised, then it is possible that DOD will run out of forces."

Kerry loses his Yale stick up his ass and explodes on Dubya!...More please!

"The president wants you to believe that this record is the record of the victim of circumstances, the result of bad luck, not bad decisions," Kerry said in his speech. "Well, Mr. President, when it comes to your record, we agree -- you own it."

"His is the excuse presidency -- never wrong, never responsible, never to blame ... no, it's not our fault; no, there's nothing wrong; no, we can't do better; no, we haven't made a single mistake," Kerry said.

While the Iraq war has supplanted the economy as voters' No. 1 issue in many opinion polls, and national security is considered one of Bush's strengths, the Kerry campaign believes the president is vulnerable on domestic issues.

The Democratic nominee underscored his hard-hitting broadside by writing in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal that "cleaning up President Bush's fiscal mess will not be easy."

He told the "Imus in the Morning" radio show, "I am absolutely taking the gloves off. I'm prepared to take them (the Bush team) on."

Jay Leno says he's no Conservative,apperenly kissing ahnulds ass is very Liberal!

Jay Leno says, “I’m not conservative. I’ve never voted that way in my life.” He “really worries” what a Dubya victory in November will do to the makeup of the Supreme Court. He believes “the wool was pulled over our eyes” with the Iraq war. He thinks the White House began using terrorism “as a crutch” after 9/11. He feels that during the campaign Kerry should “make Bush look as stupid as possible.” He believes “the media is in the pocket of the government, and they don’t do their job” so “you have people like Michael Moore who do it for them.” He has on his joke-writing staff a number of former professional speechwriters for Democratic candidates. “No Republicans.” When it comes to Bush, he doesn’t think his politics are much different from Letterman’s. “Does he show his dislike maybe a little more than I do? Probably.” Leno used to read Mother Jones magazine.


Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Drudge screws Bush, and not in the gay way! Notice that the smoking gun has been removed, Wingnuts are fun!

Attempting to bolster President Bush as he continues to stonewall questions about his Texas Air National Guard service, Internet gossip Matt Drudge posted a 1968 document from Bush's military personnel file Monday afternoon that purports to buttress a long-ago claim by Bush that he served not only in the Texas Air National Guard but in the Air Force as well. Although this "exclusive" Drudge posting is a trivial sidebar to the larger story of Bush's absence from two years of military service, the document itself -- presumably provided to Drudge by a Republican operative -- turns out to be an incriminating piece of evidence against Bush's case.

The Air Force claim arose in 1978, when Bush ran unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives from west Texas. During the campaign he produced literature in which he said he had served in the Air Force as well as the Texas Air National Guard. Pressed by the Associated Press about the claim two decades later in 1999, Bush's spokeswoman, handler and biographer, Karen Hughes, insisted the assertion was accurate. Her explanation: As part of his 1968 training to become a Guard pilot, Bush served 120 days of active duty; therefore he served in the Air Force.

The signed document Drudge posted is titled "Statement of Understanding" and dated May 27, 1968, the day Bush joined the Guard. Among the stipulations Bush agreed to was entering "active duty for training for 120 days," bolstering Bush's later assertion about the Air Force. But a Pentagon spokesperson told the A.P. in 1999 that despite their four-month training, Air National Guard members are not counted as members of the active-duty Air Force.

A few guns that are now legal thanks to Bush!

* AK-47 and all models of the Norinco, Mitchell and Poly Technologies Avtomat Kalashnikovs, designed in the former Soviet Union.

* Uzi and Galil, both made by Action Arms Israeli Military Industries.

* TEC-9, TEC-22 and TEC-DC9, manufactured by Intratec.

* SWD M-10, M-11, M-11-9 and M-12. Based on the design of the MAC-10, their full-automatic cousin, these assault pistols are designed to fire many bullets over a wide area in seconds.

* Street Sweeper and Striker 12 and other revolving cylinder semiautomatic shotguns.

* Beretta AR-70 and SC-70, used by armed forces in a number of countries including Italy, Jordan and Malaysia.

* Colt AR-15, the civilian version of the M-16 rifle that is the U.S. military's standard-issue rifle.

* Several weapons manufactured by Fabrique Nationale, the FN-FAL, FN-LAR and FNC. The guns are used by the armed forces of more than 90 countries.

* Steyr AUG, a rifle made in Germany.

Have any of you seen a person ripped open by an automatic weapon?

I was lucky enough to have seen it on tape, not real life but even the video is enough to give you the idea that those guns need to be banned!


Monday, September 13, 2004

Lists and number are fun check these out! Iraq keeps coming up again and again...almost like they had a hard on for Iraq since 1998 or something!

1 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security issued between 20 January 2001 and 10 September 2001 that mentioned al-Qa'ida.

104 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned Iraq or Saddam Hussein.

101 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned missile defence.

65 Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned weapons of mass destruction.

0 Number of times Bush mentioned Osama bin Laden in his three State of the Union addresses.

73 Number of times that Bush mentioned terrorism or terrorists in his three State of the Union addresses.

83 Number of times Bush mentioned Saddam, Iraq, or regime (as in change) in his three State of the Union addresses.

$1m Estimated value of a painting the Bush Presidential Library in College Station, Texas, received from Prince Bandar, Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the United States and Bush family friend.

0 Number of times Bush mentioned Saudi Arabia in his three State of the Union addresses.

Dubya missed even more time than the CBS memos make claim to, *cough* AWOL *cough*

Last February, White House spokesman Scott McClellan held aloft sections of President Bush's military record, declaring to the waiting press that the files "clearly document the president fulfilling his duties in the National Guard." Case closed, he said....

A review of the regulations governing Bush's Guard service during the Vietnam War shows that the White House used an inappropriate--and less stringent--Air Force standard in determining that he had fulfilled his duty. Because Bush signed a six-year "military service obligation," he was required to attend at least 44 inactive-duty training drills each fiscal year beginning July 1. But Bush's own records show that he fell short of that requirement, attending only 36 drills in the 1972-73 period, and only 12 in the 1973-74 period. The White House has said that Bush's service should be calculated using 12-month periods beginning on his induction date in May 1968. Using this time frame, however, Bush still fails the Air Force obligation standard.

Moreover, White House officials say, Bush should be judged on whether he attended enough drills to count toward retirement. They say he accumulated sufficient points under this grading system. Yet, even using their method, which some military experts say is incorrect, U.S. News 's analysis shows that Bush once again fell short. His military records reveal that he failed to attend enough active-duty training and weekend drills to gain the 50 points necessary to count his final year toward retirement.

The U.S. News analysis also showed that during the final two years of his obligation, Bush did not comply with Air Force regulations that impose a time limit on making up missed drills. What's more, he apparently never made up five months of drills he missed in 1972, contrary to assertions by the administration. White House officials did not respond to the analysis last week but emphasized that Bush had "served honorably."

Some experts say they remain mystified as to how Bush obtained an honorable discharge. Lawrence Korb, a former top Defense Department official in the Reagan administration, says the military records clearly show that Bush "had not fulfilled his obligation" and "should have been called to active duty."

Bush signed his commitment to the Texas Air National Guard on May 27, 1968, shortly after becoming eligible for the draft. In his "statement of understanding," he acknowledged that "satisfactory participation" included attending "48 scheduled inactive-duty training periods" each year. He also acknowledged that he could be ordered to active duty if he failed to meet these

If we cannot overthrow it, we'll smear it; US places sanctions against Venezuala!

President Bush on Friday ordered a partial cut in U.S. assistance to Venezuela because of its alleged role in the international trafficking of women and children for sexual exploitation.

The action means the United States will not support $250 million in Venezuelan loan requests expected to come before international lending institutions during the next fiscal year, a State Department official said.

If Venezuela secures sufficient support from other governments, its loan requests could be approved without U.S. backing.

Bush took the action under legislation that calls for sanctions against countries that fail to crack down on international trafficking in persons. The legislation is designed to encourage countries to take decisive action against the practice.

Bush's decision was announced in a White House memorandum to Secretary of State Colin Powell.

Left intact were programs designed to monitor Venezuelan elections and to support political party development, part of U.S. efforts to promote democracy worldwide.

It is official U.S. policy to carry out these activities on a nonpartisan basis, but Venezuela complained this year that the U.S. program in that country favored groups that supported the recall of President Hugo Chavez.

Chavez won the Aug. 15 recall referendum by a wide margin.

A State Department report issued in June on trafficking in persons worldwide was sharply critical of Venezuela.

"Venezuela is a source, transit and destination country for women and children trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation," the report said.

"Brazilian and Colombian women and girls are trafficked through Venezuela," it said.

The report added that Venezuelans are trafficked internally for the domestic sex trade and to Western Europe, particularly Spain.

So were they participants in the sex trade while we were giving them money or is this just punishment over the people's choice in Hugo Chavez?

What shiznit!

US accidentally kills Arab reporter during the heavy fire fights over the last few days!


Saturday, September 11, 2004

On the third anniversary of 9/11 a reminder of the incompetence of this administration, the heros are getting sick because the President hid the health dangers!

Nearly half of the more than 1,000 screened rescue workers who responded to the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks suffer from new or exacerbated respiratory, mental and other health problems, according to a government report released on Thursday.

The report, from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (news - web sites), is the second released in two days to find that firefighters, police officers and volunteers show persistent effects from environmental toxins and psychological stress.

On Wednesday, a similar study from the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, noted that many rescue workers suffer wheezing, shortness of breath, sinusitis, asthma and a syndrome called "WTC cough."

The latest health study, conducted at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, showed that nearly half of the 1,138 people screened had problems that either began or worsened after being exposed to the dust, airborne toxins and pollutants unleashed by the collapsed buildings.

"These preliminary findings of the WTC Screening Program demonstrate that large numbers of workers and volunteers suffered persistent, substantial effects on their respiratory and psychological health as a result of their efforts," said Dr. Stephen Levin, co-director of the World Trade Center Worker and Volunteer Medical Screening Program.

Of those screened, 51 percent suffered mental health problems and their risk of post-traumatic stress disorder was four times the rate of the disorder in the general male population, the report said.

The analysis is part of a broader study of about 12,000 people being evaluated at Mount Sinai.


Friday, September 10, 2004

An open letter to one issue voters

One issue voters are retarded!

People who vote against their better interests simply because of abortion cannot be reasoned with.

George Bush has failed, domestically and internationally and he running on a fiction of accomplishment. The economy isn't the best in 20 years or since the beginning of the country, we are not safer thanks to invading Iraq and all the opposition says is "Kerry is scary", "if Bush is bad Kerry will be worse". How worse can it get?

For years in defense of Vietnam I heard this one excuse as to why we lost, "We let the politicians fight the war, we should have just let the military go in and kick ass". Of course it was the fault of the Democrats because in no way were Republicans going to let that happen. So fast forward to 2003 George Bush ignored the war planning of our military, the people who would know how to handle it in favor of the PNAC plan of 100,000 troops and by the way PNAC is FULL of politicians Such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and so on. We used the planning of politicians over the planning of the guys who know what they're doing and no surprise here, the plan just didn't work. I was against the war, still am however IF you go to war you do it the right way in order to avoid large amounts of death on both sides and future instability and as of this writing Clean water is largely unavailable to the population of Iraq, the Electricity still isn't on and disease is spreading very fast because of both. The people in charge of fixing this problem: Halliburton, who's no-bid government contracts have gone into great use...for themselves. We have Iraqi construction crews who know how to do the work, get it done faster and under budget compared to a conglomerate that has done little real reconstruction in the country, who do you think we used? The best example of I could think of showing how corporate interests are favored more than the people is in the case of Cell phones. Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday bragged about the cell phones in service in Iraq, apparently they mean progress is going well in Iraq. A company in the region put up towers and offered service, local and legit nothing crooked or Al-qaiedaesqe. Once they were online the USA decided they didn't like it so they destroyed the towers and run them out of town, so the Iraqis were again without cell phones so the US brought in MCI to set up a network, the only problem is they don't know how to set-up the towers so we got Qualcomm to put them up, two different companies doing the same job of ONE and the kicker the Iraqi cell phones ONLY WORK IN IRAQ, many Iraqis have family in Iran, Syria, Jordan so if they travel their phones don't work. So does that make sense, at all two different companies doing the same job one company did and in return the cell phones only work in Iraq and a crappier service?

Afghanistan is going to hell and proof positive that Bush hasn't the slightest clue about fighting terrorism or nation building is the fact that the poppie fields are back to full bloom. If George Bush were serious about fighting terrorism he would cut off their FUCKING MONEY SUPPLY, so where do you think the money from the largest Opium growing country goes, the Rotary club? It goes into the pockets of war lords and Al-Qaieda, we don't control the country, when the mayor of Kabul showed off the new constitution no one mentioned on TV that it was only effective in the areas we control, namely Kabul and other military bases. I would not brag about that war, now it's hard pressed to find people against the war in Afghan and for the sake of argument we should have done something but removing resources to fight Iraq before we're finished in with our previous war is paramount stupidity and all of our bragging about saving women from oppression is falling mute because it's happening again, women are being killed again but this time "we're in control", what's the excuse now?

Back in November I asked the following 5 questions:

What about our booming economy?

With these five examples how do we have a strong economy or economic recovery?

1. Soaring Deficit (Highest in history)

2. Devalued dollar (IF OPEC goes with the EURO we are screwed)

3. Increased Spending & Insane Tax cuts (How will Bush pay for his programs?)

4. Limited job recovery, (Recovered jobs primarily part time or minimum wage.)

5. An open ended war with an ever growing price tag (Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the middle east)

So I will ask the questions again, how is this a strong economy? The GDP is only a part of a general economic view, it's like saying a the Jobs report is bad to the economy is in the gutter, it may not be a good sign but not proof of a weak economy. How can George Bush justify to us the American people increasing spending but cutting taxes, do you get a pay cut then spend like crazy? If you're prudent the answer is no, if you're George Bush then yes. This effects the deficit too, a $5 trillion dollar deficit is no laughing matter, during the Kerry acceptance speech he mentioned Japan and China owning parts of the American economy, those are through T-bills and did you know that they are becoming worthless because of our debt? The countries financially propping us up are not buying our "stock" because of our situation, but the economy is strong they say the GDP is great! The dollar is still weak and that a real problem, of course a dollar that's too strong is a bad thing and no one would say otherwise however the survival of our democracy is in the hands of OPEC or China, if they go EURO we're screwed, our economy will collapse and we're letting the very real possible destruction on the US economy rest with China, isn't that treasonous? We have the fate of our whole country in the hands of our greatest potential enemy and Bush is making it worse! Job loss happens and no the government cannot fix every problem and no some jobs cannot come back but changing the titles of jobs to inflate numbers is fraud, Assembling Big Macs isn't a manufacturing, it's food service but not according to the Bush administration. Fact the jobs that have been "recovered" have been Part time and or minimum wage and almost all offering no or not enough health care. That's the reality of millions of families across the country, 70% of minimum wage jobs are held by adults, a majority not kids with their first job. Bigger bills with less money to pay them and a weaker dollar means more money is going out than coming in because the money isn't worth what it use to be.

Anyone who thinks you should be allowed to own an automatic weapon because you're a law abiding citizen is a fucking lunatic and should be mocked at every opportunity because they have real problems. It's true if we ban all handguns criminals will still use them, that's how it works they're criminals. Did you know that most weapons used by criminals are stolen? So would you want a stolen UZI that fires 50 rounds in 3 seconds in the hands of a criminal who will use it? The argument is what if I keep mine in a gun safe, why should I lose my gun? The answer is obvious isn't it? What about the fifty other morons who don't? Guns are stolen all of the time, so what if yours is in a safe what about your neighbors there isn't a law saying you must keep them in safes so they get robbed and now they have an automatic weapon, do you want your neighborhood looking like Israel? The best way I could explain this is something I said to someone I knew who had an UZI he said he used it for protection and I answered sardonically "From what, the 82nd Airborne?" If you use an automatic weapon for hunting, try soccer because hunting obviously isn't your sport! They spray multiple bullets and they don't all hit the target and the bullets don't stay in the body, they're so many reasons why you shouldn't have automatic weapons, it's almost stupid to speak to people who believe we should have the right to own them. So should we make Drunk Driving illegal because not all of them kill people on the road or should we release vaccines that harm children if the doctors are incompetent to know what doses are safe? Of course not we outlaw those things because it's good for society, this isn't the Balkans and we don't want it to be like that and people who want automatic weapons legal are fucking stupid and not worth your time and this ban will lead to more violence and accidental deaths all because George W. Bush is bought and paid for my the NRA.

I know Kerry said he committed atrocities, burning villages and participating in free fire zones, The Swiftees may not have done things like decapitation but those are war crimes and what do you say to people who were ordered to do those things? Following orders isn't an excuse thanks to Nuremberg and I agree however thousands of vets would be thrown in jail now for those crimes and to be fair many vets DIDN'T burn villages or participate in free-fire zones and were smacked with the label of baby killers because of the actions of the few and the military leadership who told them to do it. The difference is Kerry came back and told the truth about an illegal war and now he's getting slammed for it because POWS were tortured and forced to read parts of his speech. Now I completely understand why a POW would be pissed off at John Kerry and would rather not forgive him, the testimony to the Senate humiliated them and wore down moral among them. But let me ask you the question so he shouldn't have spoken out against a poorly planned, illegal, botched war? The leadership ordered all sorts of horrible things, should he have been silent about the problems in Vietnam? That's a moral question you have to ask yourself should you be silent while your country is acting illegally, barbarically or should you be silent because a few POWS will be forced to read your words and humiliated if your words are too scathing? I don't see how you can be angry just at John Kerry or Jane Fonda and not at Johnson or Nixon, they are the reason they are captured and not with their families, Jane Fonda is was 100% wrong to go hang out on those guns, especially when we knew the Vietcong were vicious tyrants but so was US backed Pol Pot or the simple fact that the Gulf of Tolkien was a fraud, it never happened or Kissinger purposely ruining peace talks so Nixon could get into office, that one act killed more kids in Vietnam and had more POWs captured then Kerry's speech ever caused and if Lyndon hadn't lied we might of had a withdrawal of troops but hindsight is always 20/20, so where's the outrage at the leadership? Aren't you more pissed at incompetent leaders or leaders that lead your sons and daughters to their deaths for a lie, where is your fucking outrage Kerry blew the whistle on the horrors of Vietnam and you're pissed, but the guys ordering it or doing worse get the free pass. Kissenger and Ollie North and people of their ilk are terrorists, no better than Osama Bin Lauden, they spread terrorism and misery throughout the world but again Kerry was out of line for his speech, what sense does this make?

People ask me all of the time, "So what has Bush done right?" Good question, I'm sure he doesn't kick puppies that's pretty decent of course I have no proof that he doesn't kick puppies but I like to look to the positive in life. I think a No Child left behind can work if funded and amended to close loop-holes that can cause fraud, but that hasn't happened. Maybe you could tell me what he's done right, Reagan did good things so did Poppy Bush but honestly I'm having a hard time finding things he's done right. It's proven the Saudis funded some of the 9/11 hijackers, so why did we invade Iraq? Why did Bush order the EPA to hide health warnings for New Yorkers and say the air was safe? Why did that coward sit on his ass while our country was under attack and then do NOTHING, a Churchill he is not!

Kerry has no moral center because he flip flops, well don't all politicians flip-flop? Here's a list of Bush flip-Flops:

Bush is against campaign finance reform; then he's for it.

Bush is against a Homeland Security Department; then he's for it.

Bush is against a 9/11 commission; then he's for it.

Bush is against an Iraq WMD investigation; then he's for it.

Bush is against nation building; then he's for it.

Bush is against deficits; then he's for them.

Bush is for free trade; then he's for tariffs on steel; then he's against them again.

Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict; then he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Bush is for states right to decide on gay marriage, then he is for changing the constitution.

Bush first says he'll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency), then he doesn't.

Bush first says that 'help is on the way' to the military ... then he cuts benefits

Bush-"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. Bush-"I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care.

Bush claims to be in favor of the environment and then secretly starts drilling on Padre Island.

Bush talks about helping education and increases mandates while cutting funding.

Bush first says the U.S. won't negotiate with North Korea. Now he will

Bush goes to Bob Jones University. Then say's he shouldn't have.

Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq. Later Bush announced he would not call for a vote

Bush said the "mission accomplished" banner was put up by the sailors.  Bush later admits it was his advance team.

Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US. Bush after meeting with Pres. Fox, he's against it.

The list grows more everyday, does that mean you have no moral center, or not real leadership skills? Maybe not maybe you should update your opinions because sometimes situations change and you need to change with them to survive., I am not a fan of some of Kerry's votes and I did not support him during the primaries however he is way better than Bush but flip-flopping is stupid and taking things out of context or lying by omission is easier than telling the truth.

How would you answer "IF you had your way you'd have kept Saddam in power." Well honestly, he would be so admit it however the person who'd ask a question like that also is a Republican so ask them right back, "so do you think it was OK for us to support him while he was our puppet?" Of course they will say they did say it was OK for us to support them but remind them their vote for Reagan or Poppy Bush was just that, an OK for our puppet to do whatever he wanted because he was backed by the US of A, a vote for Reagan was a vote for Saddam. When Bush let Khan get away with selling Nuclear secrets, Iran is arming with nukes thanks to those secrets and Bush did nothing to stop it, in fact he impeded investigations into Khan and Khan was funded by guess who, the mother fucking Saudis in order to build an Islamic bomb, their previous attempt with Saddam Hussein was demolished by Israel. So Yes the Current Saudi Regime helped arm Saddam with Nukes and recently helped arm Pakistan arm with Nukes and allowed the technology to be spread to other dangerous countries and the Saudis who helped fund the 9/11 hijackers and are a dictatorship just as bad as Saddam isn't even on the target list, what a fucking Joke George Bush is and his war on terror is.

With all of this how can you simply not vote for Kerry because he's Pro-Choice?

There are bigger things going on in the world right now and maybe if your Bible-Thumping Wingnuts endorsed Birth Control like the Pill and Condoms and maybe those very same wingnuts take a deeper interest into there kids, maybe there wouldn't be so many abortions. No one likes abortion but to use that as the only reason not to vote Kerry or Democratic is just absurd, so the right and Republicans can fuck you over twelve ways from Sunday but at least their platform says they are Anti-abortion, what a joke. You're paying higher taxes, terrorism has gotten worse not better and instead of removing Bush you allow him to run free because he says he's Anti-abortion, is this we can kill all of the innocent civilians we want but if you are in the womb you're safe, now I know where Osama has been hiding Dubya won't storm a Uterus so he's safe!

Please stay home and not vote if you have to remember, Voting day is November 3rd.

Smafty J. Mac


Thursday, September 09, 2004

Dubya refused a direct order, oh and that's illegal by the way!

Addressing questions that have lingered for years, newly unearthed memos state that George W. Bush failed to meet standards of the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam war, that he refused a direct order and that his superiors were in a state of turmoil over how to evaluate his performance after he was suspended from flying.

One military official "is pushing to sugar coat it," one memo says of a proposed evaluation of Bush.

"On this date I ordered that 1st Lt. Bush be suspended from flight status due to failure to perform to USAF/TexANG standards and failure to meet annual physical examination ... as ordered," says an Aug. 1, 1972 memo by a superior officer, Lt. Col. Jerry Killian, who is now dead. Killian said in the memo that he wanted a formal inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the flight suspension. No records have surfaced that one was ever conducted.

"I conveyed my verbal orders to commander," Killian's memo stated.

The same memo notes that Bush was trying to transfer to non-flying status out of state and recommends that the Texas unit fill his flying slot "with a more seasoned pilot from the list of qualified Vietnam pilots that have rotated."

The Vietnam-era documents add details to the bare-bones explanation of Bush's aides over the years that he was suspended simply because he decided to skip his flight physical.

The White House said in February that it had released all records of Bush's service, but one of Killian's memos stated it was "for record" and another directing Bush to take the physical exam stated that it was "for 1st Lt. George W. Bush."

"I can't explain why that wouldn't be in his record, but they were found in Jerry Killian's personal records," White House communications director Dan Bartlett told CBS's "60 Minutes II," which first obtained the memos.


Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Is there anything real about this guy?

The Air Force Historical Research Service Organization confirmed that the 147th Fighter Intercept Group and the 111th Fighter Intercept Squadron received an Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for the time period of 1965-1966, two years before Bush joined the service.

The Air Force also said both units received the Outstanding Unit Award in 1975. Bush was discharged from his Texas Guard unit on Oct. 1, 1973.

Between these dates, the Air Force said Wednesday, there are “no additional awards.”

More importantly, however, the above photograph had to have been taken some time between his qualifying as a pilot–since he is wearing his pilots’ wings–on November 26, 1969 and his promotion to First Lieutenant on November 7, 1970, since he is listed as a Second Lieutenant (see photograph below). He couldn’t have served with the unit during the time it was awarded.

Bush earned his pilots’ wings on Nov. 29, 1969, according to his White House military biography.

George W. Bush: AWOL, Chicken Shit Coward, Kerry had his turn with False attacks now Dubya is being hammered with legit questions!

The story points to two key documents, signed by Bush and promising to meet training requirements or face a call-up to active duty. One from 1968 "has received scant notice," the Globe observed. The other, from 1973, "has been overlooked in news media accounts," the paper said.

Robinson pointed out that other documents had been released since February, but would not say how much of the story came from more recent information. "We are talking about several hundred pages of records that most people would not understand because they use a lot of military parlance," Robinson said. "That means it takes a lot of effort."

In 1999, the Globe story observed, Bush spokesman Dan Bartlett told the Washington Post that Bush finished his six-year commitment at a Boston area Air Force Reserve unit after he left Houston. Now Bartlett, presently the White House communications director, concedes, ''I must have misspoke."

The Globe's re-examination of the records showed that Bush, a fighter-interceptor pilot, performed no service for one six-month period in 1972 and for another period of almost three months in 1973. In fact, the records, the Globe said, "along with interviews with military specialists who have reviewed regulations from that era, show that Bush's attendance at required training drills was so irregular that his superiors could have disciplined him or ordered him to active duty in 1972, 1973, or 1974."

I wish for nothing more than for him to get slammed, and slammed hard!

John Kerry was a war hero and those Swift boat guys were PROVEN liars, now The PROVEN liar George Bush is getting hit with the truth.


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

I'm back home for few days, I will write a bigger post tonight.....getting home I found out that the Iraq body count is up to 1000, what a thing to come come to.

What a piece of shit George Bush is!


Friday, September 03, 2004

More time made for the GOP than the DNC, read the graph

Not so much fair or balanced!

I caught the speech tonight and WOW not much meat on those bones!

So where was talk of domestic policy, terrorism is a scary thought but so is crippiling debt and million+ job losses.

Bush was Ok but not great, Kerry blew the Fleet center away, Bush and the whole convention was lackluster in almost every way. There was energy and vigor and power in the DNC when Kerry excepted, while the Republicans acted like it was a cold old job.

I have no access to the internet during the day so be patient, my work is going really well and will send pics in my next post, promise!


Thursday, September 02, 2004

I made it to the Valley

Hello and welcome to mobile blog!

Did any of you catch Zell Miller?

How pathetic is it the best speech of the convention is from a Democrat bashing other Democrats.

You know Zell brought up thoe weapons systems so it's fair game did you know he voted against almost every weapon system he mentioned?

I watched the coverage on FOX and Jesus Christ would have a hard time looving these guys, pandering, lying, outright Bullshit. I think Someone should instigate the Spin jar, if they spin they have to put $50 in a jar.

Zell is a tool being used to slam Democrats, Cheney was a joke and we all knew he would I'm real excited about Bush/Cheney 2004 Half truths and fear, building a bridge to your Panic Room!

I will upload some of my pics tomorrow, real busy day again and keep sending that e-mail it's fun to read.


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