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Sunday, September 28, 2003

Be Honest, it's very funny

September 14, 2003
How many reviewers actually read this book?

That's the problem with books like this biased "reviewers" will no doubt throw out "LIES" or "FRANKEN SHOULD BE IN JAIL", my personal favorite.

I read the book, in fact finished it the day it arrived and let me tell you it was very good I laughed my @$$ off. The funniest line wasn't written by Franken himself, no it was his arch nemesis Bill O'Reilly Let me quote now from his book: Those who trespass "He gently teased her by licking around her most sensitive erogenous zone."

That was so lame!

It's something my Grandpa would write, it pops up two other times in the book and hits a home run. I haven't read that book so I have no Idea if the The 'Orgasm Factor' had been reached or if the fore play was 'Fair and balanced'.

It does refute the lies given by the right. I didn't vote for Gore but I defended him on the Internet fiasco and the Love Story misunderstanding but both of these are minor things compared to lets say going AWOL from your military post or removed thousands of black voters from voter files you knew were over 90% inaccurate... but maybe that's just me?

I found that Franken's son was very typical of most teenagers, you could imagine him saying "shut up dad" and him being embarrassed by his dad's antics, namely Bob Jones university "interview" saying "They didn't do anything to you" and I think that gave us a glimpse of integrity from his son he should be proud.

The chapter I was most agreeing with was the Hannity and colmes chapter, The "Centrist" (His Label) balances out Hannity or so they say, do yourself a favor and watch one show you will hear some whacked out, completely untrue statement come out of Sean's mouth and Alan will jump to commercial, If it were me I would slap him but I don't want to further his brain damage to the point of drooling I care about others well being.

It's no wonder Republicans watch that show they get to see a SUV drivin’, Country Music luvin’ Republican walk all over a weak "Liberal". I wish he recorded Hannity saying he was upset that when he appeared on Good Morning America he was labeled a 'Conservative commentator' under his name during the broadcast, because as we all know he's really a world renowned Swedish Chef and this screw up needs to be corrected immediately, how dare they call SEAN HANNITY of all people a Conservative commentator.

I'm giving it 5 stars because it's written very well and I really enjoyed it. I understand that there is no Clinton bashing in the book but why would you think there was? Do you think In 'Treason or Let Freedom Ring' they bashed Regan or Bush for Iran-contra? Seriously it's a book about what liars the right wing are (not the ordinary people but guys like Karl Rove) it's like saying that the Communist Manifesto has a endnote that reads: "Warning: applying these methods will cause economic ruin!"

But all in all this is a very funny book about some very serious things, mainly the lack of a free may be "free" but it's very lazy and worst of all it's profit driven you're beholden to the people who pay your bills or how they deify their leaders as moral pillars all of it worries me they lie and their is no repercussion.

Just be Honest, it's very funny


Thursday, September 25, 2003

Sean's favorite line in defense of Republicans and their environment is "Liberals say Republicans want to poison the air, water, and kill children."

Well I want to believe that, I do I want to believe that there isn't a whole political party that advocates something like that. However they do little to shake the stigma in fact they seem to reenforce the image. Are they making a point to prove the nay sayers correct?

Take for example:

Republicans want to Poison the air?: The new 'clean air act' does just that by laxing federal regulations the amount of dangerous chemicals expelled from polluters. Dow and other plants can go unchecked as long as they are "updating" their equipment. Now their are no set dates for cleaner, efficient, safer machines to be installed so Dow chemicals could be "updating" their plants for the next 5 to 15 years spewing cancerogenic particles and other nasty air born "poisons" without breaking any laws and besides without those pollution caps plants cost less to run. Currently the Bush administration is also ignoring climate control data in favor of policy that directly benefits their friends. It's not junk science, it's fact air pollution makes people sick whether it's asthma or a rare form of Lung cancer it's a problem and Bush just made it worst.

So, Yeah they poisoned the air or at least made it easier to do so.

Republicans want to poison the Water?: 20 million (area, in acres) of lakes, wetlands, streams opened to new development under a proposal to end federal over site. By redefining 'impaired' water (polluted but not that polluted) as clean and let the states (which never enforced) dump whatever they want and worry about the discharges. The problem is their overall thought process, you would think they would realize that pollution doesn't stay in the place it's dumped, especially a stream; that carries the toxic materials to lakes, rivers, and aquifers. Even if Bambi isn't your priority and doesn't effect your bottom line; the garbage gets back to you, that would be why MTBE is being phased out because it got into the water supply it's toxic.

So, Yeah they poisoned the Water or at least made it easier to do so.

Republicans want to kill children?: Their policies directly contribute to removing safety rules from our air, water supply making people ill. They would have you believe they are the party of children because they defend the rights of the unborn (unless of course you are running for governor of California, it's not that important). I want to give example of how compassionate Republican are with children. In California the Autism rate has skyrocketed to call it an epidemic is an understatement. The rates can be traced to Thurmosil a Mercury based compound found in many childhood vaccines to preserve the batch. Mercury is a neurotoxin and the combo of vaccines and already poor immune systems can and has triggered autism. Dick Armey a few months back snuck in legislation guarding the manufacturer from impending lawsuits. Leaving these poor children without justice.

So, no they don't want to kill children but crippling them or making perpetually ill is quite alright.

When Sean Hannity mocks Liberals by saying that line remember: It's true, they do want to poison the air, water and kill (or at least cripple) children.

But don't try and tell Sean that , he'll just blame Clinton and America hating Liberals!

Will be updated soon


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