Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Thursday, September 02, 2004

I made it to the Valley

Hello and welcome to mobile blog!

Did any of you catch Zell Miller?

How pathetic is it the best speech of the convention is from a Democrat bashing other Democrats.

You know Zell brought up thoe weapons systems so it's fair game did you know he voted against almost every weapon system he mentioned?

I watched the coverage on FOX and Jesus Christ would have a hard time looving these guys, pandering, lying, outright Bullshit. I think Someone should instigate the Spin jar, if they spin they have to put $50 in a jar.

Zell is a tool being used to slam Democrats, Cheney was a joke and we all knew he would I'm real excited about Bush/Cheney 2004 Half truths and fear, building a bridge to your Panic Room!

I will upload some of my pics tomorrow, real busy day again and keep sending that e-mail it's fun to read.


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