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Friday, September 10, 2004

An open letter to one issue voters

One issue voters are retarded!

People who vote against their better interests simply because of abortion cannot be reasoned with.

George Bush has failed, domestically and internationally and he running on a fiction of accomplishment. The economy isn't the best in 20 years or since the beginning of the country, we are not safer thanks to invading Iraq and all the opposition says is "Kerry is scary", "if Bush is bad Kerry will be worse". How worse can it get?

For years in defense of Vietnam I heard this one excuse as to why we lost, "We let the politicians fight the war, we should have just let the military go in and kick ass". Of course it was the fault of the Democrats because in no way were Republicans going to let that happen. So fast forward to 2003 George Bush ignored the war planning of our military, the people who would know how to handle it in favor of the PNAC plan of 100,000 troops and by the way PNAC is FULL of politicians Such as Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and so on. We used the planning of politicians over the planning of the guys who know what they're doing and no surprise here, the plan just didn't work. I was against the war, still am however IF you go to war you do it the right way in order to avoid large amounts of death on both sides and future instability and as of this writing Clean water is largely unavailable to the population of Iraq, the Electricity still isn't on and disease is spreading very fast because of both. The people in charge of fixing this problem: Halliburton, who's no-bid government contracts have gone into great use...for themselves. We have Iraqi construction crews who know how to do the work, get it done faster and under budget compared to a conglomerate that has done little real reconstruction in the country, who do you think we used? The best example of I could think of showing how corporate interests are favored more than the people is in the case of Cell phones. Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday bragged about the cell phones in service in Iraq, apparently they mean progress is going well in Iraq. A company in the region put up towers and offered service, local and legit nothing crooked or Al-qaiedaesqe. Once they were online the USA decided they didn't like it so they destroyed the towers and run them out of town, so the Iraqis were again without cell phones so the US brought in MCI to set up a network, the only problem is they don't know how to set-up the towers so we got Qualcomm to put them up, two different companies doing the same job of ONE and the kicker the Iraqi cell phones ONLY WORK IN IRAQ, many Iraqis have family in Iran, Syria, Jordan so if they travel their phones don't work. So does that make sense, at all two different companies doing the same job one company did and in return the cell phones only work in Iraq and a crappier service?

Afghanistan is going to hell and proof positive that Bush hasn't the slightest clue about fighting terrorism or nation building is the fact that the poppie fields are back to full bloom. If George Bush were serious about fighting terrorism he would cut off their FUCKING MONEY SUPPLY, so where do you think the money from the largest Opium growing country goes, the Rotary club? It goes into the pockets of war lords and Al-Qaieda, we don't control the country, when the mayor of Kabul showed off the new constitution no one mentioned on TV that it was only effective in the areas we control, namely Kabul and other military bases. I would not brag about that war, now it's hard pressed to find people against the war in Afghan and for the sake of argument we should have done something but removing resources to fight Iraq before we're finished in with our previous war is paramount stupidity and all of our bragging about saving women from oppression is falling mute because it's happening again, women are being killed again but this time "we're in control", what's the excuse now?

Back in November I asked the following 5 questions:

What about our booming economy?

With these five examples how do we have a strong economy or economic recovery?

1. Soaring Deficit (Highest in history)

2. Devalued dollar (IF OPEC goes with the EURO we are screwed)

3. Increased Spending & Insane Tax cuts (How will Bush pay for his programs?)

4. Limited job recovery, (Recovered jobs primarily part time or minimum wage.)

5. An open ended war with an ever growing price tag (Iraq and Afghanistan and the rest of the middle east)

So I will ask the questions again, how is this a strong economy? The GDP is only a part of a general economic view, it's like saying a the Jobs report is bad to the economy is in the gutter, it may not be a good sign but not proof of a weak economy. How can George Bush justify to us the American people increasing spending but cutting taxes, do you get a pay cut then spend like crazy? If you're prudent the answer is no, if you're George Bush then yes. This effects the deficit too, a $5 trillion dollar deficit is no laughing matter, during the Kerry acceptance speech he mentioned Japan and China owning parts of the American economy, those are through T-bills and did you know that they are becoming worthless because of our debt? The countries financially propping us up are not buying our "stock" because of our situation, but the economy is strong they say the GDP is great! The dollar is still weak and that a real problem, of course a dollar that's too strong is a bad thing and no one would say otherwise however the survival of our democracy is in the hands of OPEC or China, if they go EURO we're screwed, our economy will collapse and we're letting the very real possible destruction on the US economy rest with China, isn't that treasonous? We have the fate of our whole country in the hands of our greatest potential enemy and Bush is making it worse! Job loss happens and no the government cannot fix every problem and no some jobs cannot come back but changing the titles of jobs to inflate numbers is fraud, Assembling Big Macs isn't a manufacturing, it's food service but not according to the Bush administration. Fact the jobs that have been "recovered" have been Part time and or minimum wage and almost all offering no or not enough health care. That's the reality of millions of families across the country, 70% of minimum wage jobs are held by adults, a majority not kids with their first job. Bigger bills with less money to pay them and a weaker dollar means more money is going out than coming in because the money isn't worth what it use to be.

Anyone who thinks you should be allowed to own an automatic weapon because you're a law abiding citizen is a fucking lunatic and should be mocked at every opportunity because they have real problems. It's true if we ban all handguns criminals will still use them, that's how it works they're criminals. Did you know that most weapons used by criminals are stolen? So would you want a stolen UZI that fires 50 rounds in 3 seconds in the hands of a criminal who will use it? The argument is what if I keep mine in a gun safe, why should I lose my gun? The answer is obvious isn't it? What about the fifty other morons who don't? Guns are stolen all of the time, so what if yours is in a safe what about your neighbors there isn't a law saying you must keep them in safes so they get robbed and now they have an automatic weapon, do you want your neighborhood looking like Israel? The best way I could explain this is something I said to someone I knew who had an UZI he said he used it for protection and I answered sardonically "From what, the 82nd Airborne?" If you use an automatic weapon for hunting, try soccer because hunting obviously isn't your sport! They spray multiple bullets and they don't all hit the target and the bullets don't stay in the body, they're so many reasons why you shouldn't have automatic weapons, it's almost stupid to speak to people who believe we should have the right to own them. So should we make Drunk Driving illegal because not all of them kill people on the road or should we release vaccines that harm children if the doctors are incompetent to know what doses are safe? Of course not we outlaw those things because it's good for society, this isn't the Balkans and we don't want it to be like that and people who want automatic weapons legal are fucking stupid and not worth your time and this ban will lead to more violence and accidental deaths all because George W. Bush is bought and paid for my the NRA.

I know Kerry said he committed atrocities, burning villages and participating in free fire zones, The Swiftees may not have done things like decapitation but those are war crimes and what do you say to people who were ordered to do those things? Following orders isn't an excuse thanks to Nuremberg and I agree however thousands of vets would be thrown in jail now for those crimes and to be fair many vets DIDN'T burn villages or participate in free-fire zones and were smacked with the label of baby killers because of the actions of the few and the military leadership who told them to do it. The difference is Kerry came back and told the truth about an illegal war and now he's getting slammed for it because POWS were tortured and forced to read parts of his speech. Now I completely understand why a POW would be pissed off at John Kerry and would rather not forgive him, the testimony to the Senate humiliated them and wore down moral among them. But let me ask you the question so he shouldn't have spoken out against a poorly planned, illegal, botched war? The leadership ordered all sorts of horrible things, should he have been silent about the problems in Vietnam? That's a moral question you have to ask yourself should you be silent while your country is acting illegally, barbarically or should you be silent because a few POWS will be forced to read your words and humiliated if your words are too scathing? I don't see how you can be angry just at John Kerry or Jane Fonda and not at Johnson or Nixon, they are the reason they are captured and not with their families, Jane Fonda is was 100% wrong to go hang out on those guns, especially when we knew the Vietcong were vicious tyrants but so was US backed Pol Pot or the simple fact that the Gulf of Tolkien was a fraud, it never happened or Kissinger purposely ruining peace talks so Nixon could get into office, that one act killed more kids in Vietnam and had more POWs captured then Kerry's speech ever caused and if Lyndon hadn't lied we might of had a withdrawal of troops but hindsight is always 20/20, so where's the outrage at the leadership? Aren't you more pissed at incompetent leaders or leaders that lead your sons and daughters to their deaths for a lie, where is your fucking outrage Kerry blew the whistle on the horrors of Vietnam and you're pissed, but the guys ordering it or doing worse get the free pass. Kissenger and Ollie North and people of their ilk are terrorists, no better than Osama Bin Lauden, they spread terrorism and misery throughout the world but again Kerry was out of line for his speech, what sense does this make?

People ask me all of the time, "So what has Bush done right?" Good question, I'm sure he doesn't kick puppies that's pretty decent of course I have no proof that he doesn't kick puppies but I like to look to the positive in life. I think a No Child left behind can work if funded and amended to close loop-holes that can cause fraud, but that hasn't happened. Maybe you could tell me what he's done right, Reagan did good things so did Poppy Bush but honestly I'm having a hard time finding things he's done right. It's proven the Saudis funded some of the 9/11 hijackers, so why did we invade Iraq? Why did Bush order the EPA to hide health warnings for New Yorkers and say the air was safe? Why did that coward sit on his ass while our country was under attack and then do NOTHING, a Churchill he is not!

Kerry has no moral center because he flip flops, well don't all politicians flip-flop? Here's a list of Bush flip-Flops:

Bush is against campaign finance reform; then he's for it.

Bush is against a Homeland Security Department; then he's for it.

Bush is against a 9/11 commission; then he's for it.

Bush is against an Iraq WMD investigation; then he's for it.

Bush is against nation building; then he's for it.

Bush is against deficits; then he's for them.

Bush is for free trade; then he's for tariffs on steel; then he's against them again.

Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict; then he pushes for a "road map" and a Palestinian State.

Bush is for states right to decide on gay marriage, then he is for changing the constitution.

Bush first says he'll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency), then he doesn't.

Bush first says that 'help is on the way' to the military ... then he cuts benefits

Bush-"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. Bush-"I don't know where he is. I have no idea and I really don't care.

Bush claims to be in favor of the environment and then secretly starts drilling on Padre Island.

Bush talks about helping education and increases mandates while cutting funding.

Bush first says the U.S. won't negotiate with North Korea. Now he will

Bush goes to Bob Jones University. Then say's he shouldn't have.

Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq. Later Bush announced he would not call for a vote

Bush said the "mission accomplished" banner was put up by the sailors.  Bush later admits it was his advance team.

Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US. Bush after meeting with Pres. Fox, he's against it.

The list grows more everyday, does that mean you have no moral center, or not real leadership skills? Maybe not maybe you should update your opinions because sometimes situations change and you need to change with them to survive., I am not a fan of some of Kerry's votes and I did not support him during the primaries however he is way better than Bush but flip-flopping is stupid and taking things out of context or lying by omission is easier than telling the truth.

How would you answer "IF you had your way you'd have kept Saddam in power." Well honestly, he would be so admit it however the person who'd ask a question like that also is a Republican so ask them right back, "so do you think it was OK for us to support him while he was our puppet?" Of course they will say they did say it was OK for us to support them but remind them their vote for Reagan or Poppy Bush was just that, an OK for our puppet to do whatever he wanted because he was backed by the US of A, a vote for Reagan was a vote for Saddam. When Bush let Khan get away with selling Nuclear secrets, Iran is arming with nukes thanks to those secrets and Bush did nothing to stop it, in fact he impeded investigations into Khan and Khan was funded by guess who, the mother fucking Saudis in order to build an Islamic bomb, their previous attempt with Saddam Hussein was demolished by Israel. So Yes the Current Saudi Regime helped arm Saddam with Nukes and recently helped arm Pakistan arm with Nukes and allowed the technology to be spread to other dangerous countries and the Saudis who helped fund the 9/11 hijackers and are a dictatorship just as bad as Saddam isn't even on the target list, what a fucking Joke George Bush is and his war on terror is.

With all of this how can you simply not vote for Kerry because he's Pro-Choice?

There are bigger things going on in the world right now and maybe if your Bible-Thumping Wingnuts endorsed Birth Control like the Pill and Condoms and maybe those very same wingnuts take a deeper interest into there kids, maybe there wouldn't be so many abortions. No one likes abortion but to use that as the only reason not to vote Kerry or Democratic is just absurd, so the right and Republicans can fuck you over twelve ways from Sunday but at least their platform says they are Anti-abortion, what a joke. You're paying higher taxes, terrorism has gotten worse not better and instead of removing Bush you allow him to run free because he says he's Anti-abortion, is this we can kill all of the innocent civilians we want but if you are in the womb you're safe, now I know where Osama has been hiding Dubya won't storm a Uterus so he's safe!

Please stay home and not vote if you have to remember, Voting day is November 3rd.

Smafty J. Mac


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