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Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Kerry loses his Yale stick up his ass and explodes on Dubya!...More please!

"The president wants you to believe that this record is the record of the victim of circumstances, the result of bad luck, not bad decisions," Kerry said in his speech. "Well, Mr. President, when it comes to your record, we agree -- you own it."

"His is the excuse presidency -- never wrong, never responsible, never to blame ... no, it's not our fault; no, there's nothing wrong; no, we can't do better; no, we haven't made a single mistake," Kerry said.

While the Iraq war has supplanted the economy as voters' No. 1 issue in many opinion polls, and national security is considered one of Bush's strengths, the Kerry campaign believes the president is vulnerable on domestic issues.

The Democratic nominee underscored his hard-hitting broadside by writing in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal that "cleaning up President Bush's fiscal mess will not be easy."

He told the "Imus in the Morning" radio show, "I am absolutely taking the gloves off. I'm prepared to take them (the Bush team) on."


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