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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Did Father Stage Alleged Attack? Apperently he has been attacked three other times.

Phil Parlock and three of his children visited the Tri-State Airport in Huntington, W.Va., yesterday to catch a glimpse of Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards. Parlock, a staunch Republican, and his family were there to show support for the Bush-Cheney ticket when they were assaulted by Kerry supporters, according to a report in the local paper, The Herald-Dispatch.

What the Herald-Dispatch failed to report, however, is that Parlock also claimed to be the victim of similar assaults at the hands of Democratic renegades in 1996 and 2000 — a fact that casts doubts on Parlock's new claims.

Parlock's latest claim certainly is filled with the sort of drama that makes for a fine photo op. Sophia, his three-year-old daughter, was holding a Bush-Cheney sign when angry Democrats ripped the sign from her tiny hands, making her burst into tears. A photographer with the Associated Press happened to be right there to capture the heartbreaking tears leaking from Sophia's innocent eyes as she perched on her father's shoulders.

Compare this latest event with what allegedly happened to Parlock's family in 2000, when they tried to show support for Bush at a rally for Al Gore. At that rally, son Louis, then 12, had signs ripped right from his hands, according to a front-page report in the October 28, 2000, edition of the Charleston (W.Va.) Daily Mail. "I did not expect people to practically attack us," said Louis.


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