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Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Sean Hannity drinking game (drink responsibly)

Tired of listening to the same old drivel from this right wing hack?

Make his verbal diarrhea work for you, this game brings people together no matter where you fall on the political spectrum.

The game is simple, every time Sean says one of the following examples you either:

1. Sip

2. Take a shot

3. Chug!

Whatever drink you choose is just fine as long as there is plenty of it, my choice would be Tequila for the adults and Iced Tea for the kids.

Take a Sip when Sean...

Sean misquotes a democrat

Sighs, yells, laughs off camera when it's Alan's turn to do an interview

Does a terrible Clinton impression

Says something absolutely stupid

Misquotes John Kerry

Says Kerry is a flip flopper

Says Bush is a great president

Is rude to a guest he's debating

Mentions the "Hannitization" Tour

Mentions his radio show/ TV show.

Verbally castrates Alan Colmes

Newt Ginrich is a guest

Ollie North is a guest

Some ABC official is a guest on his radio show.

Take a shot when Sean...

Calls Ollie North a Patriot

Says the same five things in under half an hour, any talking point will do!

Calls Newt a Historian

Mentions 25 million free Iraqis

Asks what the definition "is" is.

Poses a specious question and the guest looks dumbfounded

If a country music act is booked on the show

Looks outraged someone calls Thug co. out on their lies

Mentions Ted Kennedy is a drunk

Says things are getting better in Iraq

When presented with a rock solid fact, Sean still holds his false talking point.

Has Ann Coulter as a guest

Says Kerry voted for the $87 billion, then voted against it

Fails to mention most Senate Republicans voted against the $87 billion before voting for it.

Fails to mention President Bush was against the $87 billion, then was for it.

Says we have the best economy in 20 years

CHUG when Sean...

Calls someone a liar

Pretends to be knowledgeable about any topic

Headline guest on either show is a conservative talking head.

Apologizes for making a mistake, without trying to make an excuse!

Alan Colmes trashes Sean Hannity!

I hope you have some fun with this game and again, drink responsibly! Designate a driver have him drink some tea.

Don't use this as an excuse and blame me if you end up looking like an ass because chances are you probably looked like an ass well before you stated this drinking game.


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