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Monday, December 20, 2004

Tucker Carlson gets new MSNBC show!

The bow tied mother fucker gains a chair on MSGOP

MSNBC is close to signing a deal with CNN's Tucker Carlson, paving the way for the conservative Crossfire co-host to fill the 9:00pm primetime position soon to be vacated by Deborah Norville.

MSNBC staffers have been buzzing about the possibility in recent days, three sources told TVNewser. One insider speculated that Carlson's program would attract new viewers to the network, but more importantly, "it shows that MSNBC is a priority and folks are trying their darndest to make it work."

Carlson feels that CNN hasn't treated him well, a source said. MSNBC executives, on the other hand, are thrilled by the guy in the bow tie.

Outfoxing FOX doesn't make the news worth a damn thing if it's all about ratings!


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