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Monday, December 20, 2004

Problems in Iraq because of Clinton, not Rumsfeld

Short of cancer (maybe) what else will Clinton be blamed for?

U.S. Sen. James M. Inhofe said Thursday that cutbacks during the Clinton administration resulted in the lack of armor and other material faced by U.S. troops in Iraq.

"Eight years of Bill Clinton decimated the military to almost half of what it was in 1990," he said during a stop in Muskogee.

The Oklahoma Republican, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that in 1991, U.S. armed forces were armed with "a Reagan military," and had more funding and ordinance.

However under Clinton, projects were cut and "modernization stopped."

The Army and the Pentagon have come under sharp attack for the lack of armor on many of the Humvees, trucks and other vehicles U.S. troops use in Iraq. Insurgents using roadside bombs and rocket-propelled grenades have regularly targeted military vehicles, killing numerous U.S. troops.

Criticism intensified last week after a U.S. soldier complained publicly to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld in Kuwait that troops had to scrounge in landfills for scrap metal to protect their vehicles.

The Army said Wednesday it would spend $4.1 billion to armor all military wheeled vehicles in Iraq by June, with most of the money expected to be used on trucks.

Inhofe said Rumsfeld in his confirmation hearing addressed the need to fund the military.

Inhofe said that during war, the U.S. historically spends 5.7 percent of its gross domestic product on military needs.

Sen. Inhofe is the one who said he was "Outraged by the outrage" in regards to Abu Graib.

Bosnia was an affective police action, we stopped genocide, installed a democracy and not one America life was lost, Clinton let the military handle all of it and it worked out great.


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