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Monday, December 13, 2004

Liberman being floated as Homeland security head

Take him, we don't need him!

The Connecticut Democrat's status is this: He's not denying sources' reports that he's been approached to join the Bush team. And while it's a longshot Lieberman would get one of the rumored jobs: Homeland Security secretary, National Intelligence Director or United Nations ambassador - nothing can be ruled out.

Lieberman has refused to discuss the matter since the reports re-surfaced last week after an initial flurry a few weeks ago, and he maintained that position Sunday.

But the buzz did get louder after Friday's withdrawal by former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik as President Bush's nominee to head the Homeland Security department. Lieberman is widely credited with being a chief legislative force behind the agency's creation two years ago, and his name was mentioned prominently Sunday

He seems more Republican then Democrat, he's a rightwinger full and full.

If his senate seat wasn't controlled by Dems he would have switched years ago.


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