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Sunday, December 19, 2004

Home repair day sucks

Every so often I indulge in the draining task of routine repairs and tweaks to my living space.

My project to day was the Bathroom, my, oh my, the bathroom.

That poor neglected room, you would think a room that important would be first on list for the routine fixes, I mean you're in there everyday and you see what needs to be done it's not like you can avoid it because a normal person will lock on the problems and say they should do something about that, if anything gets done is a whole other matter. No likes cleaning up the bathroom, well maybe people with OCD but they're freaks. The task demands more than just the half ass job you usually do and admit it if you don't have to the bathroom gets the smells/looks ok blow off, I am man enough to admit that.

Scrubbing walls and moping, sweeping things up, CLR'ing the hell out of the faucets just sucks, also "some how" the Bathtub has a huge hole on the side, how it got there is a complete mystery so I had to obviously seal up the gaping hole; my introduction to Fiberglass repair 101. A few rules to remember when repairing Fiberglas goes as follows:

Rule one: The Bonding agents will give you a serious chemical burn so don't use bare hands or be stupid enough to forget to put on your gloves when removing the box you mixed the said bonding solution in, you'll lose your fingerprints for about 3 weeks.

Rule two: Match the colors, seriously, I have this big white patch on my tacky yellow tub not I could fix it, if I got a time machine, traveled back 5 hours and used the color agent.

Even with these little problems it went pretty damn smooth so by tomorrow morning it should be sealed and ready to go.

When I have a project I turn to the love that won't betray, music. Doing projects and listening to music goes and in hand so since I knew I would be in the bathroom cleaning all day and not because of a bad burrito I decided to pull out my old mix CDs. The mix CD in the techie world is different from what an average person would do, when I bought my first CD burner I did what everyone else did randomly chose songs to burn, it didn't matter just turn on Winamp hit random and whatever came up burn it to disk, I have at least fifty of these damn things so I had plenty of tunes playing all day. When working I enjoy music that makes me laugh, not comedy mind you but unintentionally funny such as "Heaven is a place on Earth" by Belinda Carlie or "Man Eater" by Hall and Oates, the songs that boggle the mind at how they could actually put it on an album and say it's really good, Imagine Daryle Hall telling John Oates, "This man Eater song is GOOOOD, it's the shit man!" and Oates going "I know, it's really speaking to me man!". Absurdly popular music puts me in a great mood so I hunted for the most absurd, luckily I found a mix tape from the soundtrack of Top Gun. Nothing speaks more to irony than belting out Kenny loggins songs while scrubbing a toilet, and of course I know all of the words to the songs on that sound track, I loved Top Gun when I was a kid and the sound track was really cool to a 7 year old, it wasn't until my early teens and another viewing of Top Gun that changed that opinion. It dawned on me that the movie was REALLY GAY, I have no problem with Homosexuality or Homosexuals of course but I mean this movie was REALLY GAY, when Goose died Maverick took his dead harder than his wife did and that song from Loggins "Playing with the boys", um, no I won't be and the repressed sexual tension between ice and Maverick, how did I miss how gay this movie was, I compare it to how people in the Seventies didn't know Elton John was gay, it was very apparent but we didn't want to see it. So this added to the joy of mocking this terrible soundtrack and horrible movie.

As I said before I was singing to the music because I know the lyrics and it just cracks me up singing lame music, I also have an open door policy where if cleaning something I leave the door open and people walk past hearing me belt out "Mighty Wings" and since I caught Mono back in '99 my once American Idol finalist singing voice is now tone deaf and cannot carry a tune, which adds to the humor. It's fun performing for an audience again especially if you cannot sing and you miss hitting those notes like it's going out of fashion.

I was a KP on a military base in High school so I know sanitation and cleaning to kill. Working that close with the California National Guard was a very demanding experience, you would not believe the shit, literal and figurative I clean. The messed these guys made in the bathroom was ungodly and shocking. Smeared shit on the wall, vomit on the floor, Cum, yes spooge on the toilet paper and the stalls and the ground from when the ladies got together with the guys or the guys got together with the guys, my clean bathroom became a giant glory hole. So I learned how to clean the hell out of everything and became quite good at my job, not the type of job you want to be good at but hey it helps out at home. Bleach and myself have become good friends over the years it got to the point from all of the cleaning I could clean using undiluted bleach and other cleaners without gloves without the nasty side effects. My bathrooms smells of Bleach and Pine Sol, in my former profession it would smell like victory, Mission accomplished and not in the Bush in the flight suit way either.

I had to lay to rest my sole Bathroom plant, tragic lose on my part. The bathroom plants I own suck, I had one Bamboo plant that thrived and great, it's such a great plant I graduated it to my desk when I had an 8-5 and it's still growing like a mother, yet the others don't. So I found a solution to the problem, I have a fountain that I can use to fill that space and I can still get some more plants, and I love plants. I had a small tree in my room until it died a week after I bought it, the local Target had a problem with a nasty fungus and did nothing about it, my tree caught it showed no signs until about the second day and so I fought the Fungus but it was too much for the tree but I believe this fountain will do the trick for now, I might even throw in a Buddha statue to see how it looks.

Today was a good day, got the work done and tomorrow I can just sleep in with a sense of accomplishment...And I just noticed I wrote a whole lot more than I intended to, LOL.

Oh yeah if you are waiting for my reply to the hate mail you sent me because of the from my Hannity is a moron Post, you need to wait a little while longer, I've received so damn many it's hard to keep up, especially with some of them being more scholarly than "French faggit Butt fucking Commie" I usually get, so please be patient!


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