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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Ukraine Parliament annuls elections

So that's what a body of elected officials elected by the people are suppose to do when the election obviously a fraud, that's what a people who appreciate democracy does.

Ukraine's parliament, in a vote providing a moral boost for opposition supporters massed in the capital, said on Saturday the disputed presidential poll handing victory to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovich was invalid. Parliament has no legal authority to annul the election results, but with vast crowds backing liberal challenger Viktor Yushchenko's call for a new vote, the declaration carries political weight.

Do you remember the scene from Fahrenheit 9/11 where the Senate Democrats wouldn't back up the House Democrats to dispute the election?

We don't know what we have in this country, we've grown complacent and arrogant about it. Will it take a foreign electoral crisis to wake us up and have us examine our own?


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