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Saturday, November 27, 2004

Ukraine opposition leader hit with Chemical weapon?

Would you honestly be surprised if Czar Putin didn't try something against this man?

As Ukraine's popular pro-Western opposition leader claimed victory Tuesday in hotly contested presidential elections, the mystery surrounding an appearance-altering illness that twice prompted him to check into a Vienna hospital persisted.

Yushchenko accused the Ukrainian authorities of poisoning him. His detractors suggested he'd eaten some bad sushi.

Adding to the intrigue, the Austrian doctors who treated him have asked foreign experts to help determine if his symptoms may have been caused by toxins found in biological weapons.

Medical experts said they may never know for sure what befell Yushchenko.

I Believe there a re some illnesses that can do something similar to that however the fact that he was an opposition leader against Putin raises my eyebrow a little.


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