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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Suicide of historian raises questions about the study of tragedy

Iris Chang committed suicide on the 10th of this month, I didn't know much about the author I was familiar with only one of her books by title only (Thread of the Silkworm). I was watching her interview on Booknotes from 1997 and not on purpose, in fact I changed the channel but decided to go back. After settling in I watched a little bit before the infograph said she committed suicide and I was really for whatever reason shocked and just kept watching and I saw a women who not that long ago was a happy, bright, glowing person ready to tackle life she just got married at the time and looked excited to start a family (at the time of her death she had one child age 2). While watching I shook my head and watched it the entire way through just not getting why she would do something like that.

I just thought I should share this with you guys, this has bugged me for the last two days and I think this will exorcise this feeling of saddness of a death of a person I never knew. Yes it's a little weird!

Here is a article on authors who go through the same problems she went through.


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