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Saturday, November 20, 2004

GOP slips in big brother bill into 3300 page budget

Big ups to Sen. Conrad of N.Dakota and his staff for finding this and exposing it!

Sen. Conrad from ND just called the GOP out on this budget bill.  Apparently they stuck a provision that removes any expectations of privacy regarding our tax returns in the middle of this 3000 page bill in the middle of the night.  They didn't tell the Dems.  But they caught them.  This is amazing to watch - they're going OFF.

This tactic is NOT new, but getting caught and having Dems throw fits IS.

Found it on Daily Kos.

This would allow if passed staffers can release tax returns of ANY American without any legal recourse.

The house GOP members snuck this in!


"Hereinafter, notwithstanding any other provision of law governing the disclosure of income tax returns or return information, upon written request of the Chairman of the House or Senate Committee on Appropriations, the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service shall allow agents designated by such Chairman access to Internal Revenue Service facilities and any tax returns or return information contained therein."


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