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Monday, November 22, 2004

Did Green tea kill the Kerry Campagin?

Newsmax by way of Candy Crawly is pushing the elitist Kerry angle with his request from Green tea in DUBUQUE, IA

Green tea supposedly has all sorts of healthful benefits, but don't tell that to John Kerry. It helped destroy his presidential candidacy.

CNN political correspondent Candy Crowley, in a speech this week to Forum Club of the Palm Beaches, said she saw the beginning of the end for the Massachusetts Democrat in January 2003 when they had breakfast at the Holiday Inn in Dubuque, Iowa.

"I'd like to start out with some green tea," Sen. Kerry told the waitress, who stared at him before replying, "We have Lipton's."

Crowley told the crowd in West Palm Beach: "There were many green tea instances. There's a very large disconnect between the Washington politicians and most of America and how they live. Bush was able to bridge that gap, and Kerry was not."

Kerry had other gastronomic gaffes on the campaign trail that earned him widespread ridicule.

What a large disconnect, who drinks Green tea really?

Who cares if Lipton sells green tea and who cares if the local K-marts sell green tea in Iowa, didn't you know the K-Mart is the place the elite shop?
This whole thing is talking down to the "little people" who don't drink "fancy pants" tea. You know Green Tea is in almost every supermarket for reasonable prices. He wasn't talking about his beday he asked for Green tea you stupid hacks, c'mon this isn't news!

What a bunch of hacks they are, Candy can bite my ass!


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