Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Friday, November 26, 2004


This child has his finger on the button.

This is President Clinton's day you would think the big Christian who learned humility through Christ would let Clinton out first in the order that was agreed upon instead of pushing past him to be first.

The thing with bullies is, they will eventually get knocked on their ass; right now Brazil, Russia, China, and India are getting too cozy for me not to worry. An economic shift from the dollar to the Euro as each of these countries have indicated favor towards would cripple America and without a strong economy we're looking at a great depression and a loss of the American Economic superpower and Bush is not FDR.

BUT HEY, AT LEAST TWO DUDES CAN'T GET MARRIED and that's the important thing....right?


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