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Monday, November 15, 2004

Condi to replace Powell?

Talk about failing up!!!

Powell announced his resignation in a letter to President Bush dated Friday and released Monday.

"I believe that now that the election is over, the time has come for me to step down," Powell wrote, adding that he would leave his post at a time of Bush's choosing.

The president praised the outgoing secretary in a statement. "Colin Powell is one of the great public servants of our time," Bush said. "He is a soldier, a diplomat, a civic leader, a statesman and a great patriot. I value his friendship. He will be missed."

A formal announcement is expected as early as Tuesday; Rice would be only the second woman to serve as secretary of state. Bush is also expected to tap Rice's deputy, Stephen Hadley, to become National Security Adviser, an administration official said.

In addition to Powell, three other members of Bush's Cabinet resigned Monday, including Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham, Agriculture Secretary Ann Veneman and Education Secretary Rod Paige.

That's six out of 15 Cabinet members to quit. More resignations are expected, but it's unclear who will leave and when. Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge has reportedly told colleagues he is eager to make more money in the private sector.

Attorney General John Ashcroft and Commerce Secretary Don Evans already have announced their intentions to leave the administration.

White House counsel Alberto Gonzales has been chosen to succeed Ashcroft. Rice would be the second replacement announcement, if she officially succeeds Powell.

Powell, whose resignation had been widely expected, has been the moderate voice in an administration of hawks, including Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

The secretary of state submitted his letter of resignation to the president on Friday. He will go about his usual schedule and continue at full speed until a successor is named and in place, a senior administration official said.

Asked about his own future, Rumsfeld told reporters Monday that he prefers to talk about such matters with Bush, adding that he has not done so.

Powell, who often butted heads with fellow members of the administration's foreign policy team, said he never intended to serve beyond a first term.


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