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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Why we dislike Sean Hannity

This site was made for all of you who are forced to watch or listen to Sean Hannity, a propagandist hack!

This site among countless others have exposed this guy to be a liar, you cannot say the things he does and be labeled anything else. I believe the only way to combat his propaganda is to bring it out into the light of day and expose it for the trash it is.

This is one of the reasons why we dislike Sean, a Recent interview of Sen. Landriue of shows what a dick he is!

What else do you expect from Sean Hannity?

You have the Number two guy in this administration, someone who obviously steers the policy in this administration and asks more like a Prime Minister than a Vice President. With the war in Iraq going south and an economy that's not as strong as they say it is, there's so much to work with you could have serious television. Instead we got a fluff piece for the Bush administration, did you learn anything except Republicans hate being reminded of Dick Cheney's lesbian daughter?

The good Senator had a point when she brought up that it was a propaganda piece and Sean could throw back were insults, "You're a terrible Senator" and his defense of his geisha like interview was they provide a "comfortable environment", so comfortable they can outright lie or just respond with faux outrage? What Depth or knowledge did we get from either interview?

The way Sean Treated a United States Senator on the show was appalling, she didn't drown a litter of kittens or do anything that deserved the bitter rhetoric she complained the interview was a softball and He just went nuts. Just like when he's on the radio show he interrupts and shouts people down; After the Senator complained of Sean's interruptions, interruptions like those of a petulant child and pointed out he didn't do that to the Vice President he responded: "Well you're not the vice president and I doubt you ever will be".

Do you need more proof that he's just a loud mouth who's hurting our discourse, his book Deliver us from Evil is was written in Bizarro world full of lies by omission or just outright nonsense and when exposed to his obvious lies he reacts like a little kid and just shouts over you like that makes him right or something. This is the guy who called the first debate for George Bush, did we see the same debate or did he have his GOP goggles on? He is a loud mouth propagandist who need to be called out for the countless lies he tells.

And that's why we're here, to make sure someone holds this guy accountable for you to see past the rhetoric and into the truth.


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