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Thursday, October 21, 2004

The smearing of Pat Robertson

I personally think Pat is scum, he is a huckster and should have been thrown in jail years ago.

However the right-wing has used this guy for years and has been a big Republican fundraiser so when this kind of thing happens you jump on it!

Karen Huges and Scott McClellan Call Pat a liar!

Hughes: Judy, I cannot imagine that that conversation would ever take place. I've never heard the president say anything of the sort.... So I can't imagine whether he misunderstood, or what happened. But I'm certain that the president did not say that remark.

Woodruff: So Pat Robertson is lying or wrong or something?

Hughes: Well, again, Judy, I don't know. Perhaps he misunderstood.... It just doesn't sound consistent with the facts as I knew them at the time.


White House spokesman Scott McClellan said, "Of course, the president never made such a comment."

So Robertson is a liar, he misunderstood the conversation.

However this isn't the only time he's made this claim

I felt very uneasy about [the war] from the very get-go. Whenever I heard about it, I knew it was going to be trouble. I warned the president. I only met with him once. I said, You better prepare the American people for some serious casualties. And he said, Oh, no, our troops are, you know, so well protected, we don't have to worry about that.

I hate to say this but it sounds like something Bush would say, this is just opinion of course. This sounds genuine, Bush is so out of touch of reality and so driven by "faith" he's blinded himself to the truth, surrounding him are yes men and policy pushers who in their own right are driven by faith and ideology make a dangerous team to be running a superpower.


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