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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Thursday, October 28, 2004

Pictures of the weapons in question STILL sealed when troops arrived!

Let's see what FOX and the GOP has to say about this.

Did the Russians spirit out the weapons or were our troops ordered to go to baghdad, to protect the oil and end up missing these weapons?

Well you guessed it the Bush/Cheney team sent out someone with many years of training and knowledge about the military;

Ruddy Gulliani.

So in his expert opinion about why those explosives are now missing in Iraq is "Blame the troops"

The president was cautious the president was prudent the president did what a commander in chief should do. No matter how you try to blame it on the president the actual responsibility for it really would be for the troops that were there. Did they search carefully enough? Didn't they search carefully enough?

Well, again they weren't there to search for anything they were told nothing.

The "I didn't do it" Kid strikes again, Republicans your guy isn't tough or competent you like him because he clears brush from his ranch, you like him because he makes you feel like you're evaporating world isn't leaving you.

Kerry/Edwards 2004; at least we know they'll be honest with us when he screws up!


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