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Saturday, October 30, 2004

No Faith

I am not a trusting person, it's my nature.

I was raised by two cops and how they view the world. My parents filled my head with the stories behind the people put away and it was very scary. From the age of five every horrible story one of them heard or read in their file I was told, not matter the subject manner, rape and murder were common stories I heard growing up nothing was left out because they thought it was important I knew about these type of people. To be honest the things they taught me saved my life, don't trust anybody. Always look at the facts and never ignore the ones that don't fit your idea of the world, facts are facts.

That's why I cannot support George W. Bush.

As many of you know by now I was a Republican in 2000, I registered to vote in January of 1998 at the post office proudly filling out my voter registration as a Republican and even before then I was a staunch Republican. My friends got annoyed when I would mention Republican politics, even in my year book I have someone calling me cool because I listened to Rush LImbaugh. It wasn't until 1999 that I started to have doubts about the Republican party as a whole and I have El Rushbo to thank for that, you see I caught him saying something I knew was untrue. I figured he'd correct it the next day as he has been known to do and he didn't and he based a few of his rants on something I knew to be untrue, it was about George W. Bush and his Texas wonders. I wasn't very savvy internet wise in 1999 mainly because I didn't own a computer so all I had were newspapers so I researched this guy and why Rush Limbaugh said things I knew to be untrue. The Texas version of the No Child Left behind was a fiasco, even Republican papers were not kind to the fraud going on. I knew about this because I liked to read the papers, I had a little device that could open up newspapers stands so I could get a free copy, so I indulged. I knew from every source that it was a bad program and Rush Limbaugh ignored all of the missteps and the failings of this program and called it a success and the more I listened and learned more more I grew apart from the Republican party. in 1999 while Bush was running, I saw nothing great about the guy, his stances on the issues were not solid, they changed every couple of months and I knew he'd be the nominee simply because he looked like his dad. To me that isn't a reason to push this guy to be President. What pushed me over the edge in 2000 was what George Bush did to John McCain and no Republican called him out on the smear tactics of this guy. He ran ads and allowed whisper campaigns to besmirch his honorable man's record, pro cancer had a mongoloid baby, was insane and a KGB double agent all of this came from Bush camp and I knew it, I couldn't be an honest Person and vote for George Bush.

From even before he was the nominee of the Republican party in 2000 Bush has been a dishonest person, showing one side to the American people and another to his friends. To use he shows us his Compassionate Conservative mask while to his friends in big business, a self indulgent smirk with a wink and a nod. I decided to be the person my parents taught me to be and decide for myself, investigate and except the facts whatever they be. The fact is I was afraid of Gore more so then Bush because I couldn't see that big a difference between the two. I actually met him in Seattle earlier that year and he seemed like an OK guy, I shook his hand (the picture exists somewhere). So I leaned to Ralph Nader and really believed that he was the better moral choice between the men running and I really didn't care as long as I could sleep well at night. I will not nor will I ever apologize for my support of Ralph Nader in 2000 and to have it all over to do again, I'd make sure I was even more supportive however what happened next was a crime against the our democracy. I was over at someone's home on election day and while the chaos was in florida was happening, I was cheering because of the chaos. It was entertaining and I watched every last moment of coverage I could to see the fiasco happen before my eyes. Little did I know that it wasn't chads that were the causing problems. Machines didn't work in black counties, there was a voter purge of 93,000 legal voters from a list that everyone knew was 92% wrong and no one in the media told me that the protesters were Republicans posing as Floridians.

Looking back before 9/11 I was a different person, I was very hawkish but without solutions after the bombings stopped. I was very critical of Iraq, Iran, and Russia and to be honest Putin bothered me back then and that hasn't changed. I was at work on the phone providing technical support and I just went through two hours of massive tech crap, it wasn't an easy call they were rude and I laid into them the best way I could, as respectful as possible and it wasn't an easy task. They wanted to quit, I worked them through everything I could, ignoring their insults and actually got them to sign up for additional months. I could have and just wen to town on this person and made the bastard cry but instead I chose the smart path, I ignored the minor stuff and solved the bigger issue and because I wasn't an asshole I fixed and improved the situation. After that I pulled up something I wrote very hawkish and said this can never work, bombing will only make us feel like were doing something when it's only causing bigger problems. After 9/11 when we struck out at Afghanistan I knew this wouldn't solve the larger issue of terrorism. I asked my peers, what's the point if we're not supporting moderates in the middle east? So have we stopped all of the money flowing into the pockets of these bastards? All we got from Bush was they hate our freedom and bombs away. If dropping bombs solved problems the blitz would have ended all wars and I knew we needed to do more and Bush did nothing of the sort.

During 2002 I had a hard time going to Church, fitting in with people there spiritually. I read what the bible said and I saw what they professed. How can anyone be Christian and Republican is beyond me in that respect and I had problems. I asked people, as earnest as I can be "You know that Blueprints in Afghanistan was false, and yet you just mentioned it like it was true, why?" or anything pro-Bush he could do no wrong because to these people they equate Republicans to Christians, blindly. I have a hard time taking you serious if you discount facts because it doesn't fit your beliefs so I stopped going in early march and never looked back. The Bible teaches that you must have faith like a child because children believe without question it's not complex for them they do what's told and don't mind the consequences.

I have no faith, I have no belief, I am a Pragmatic Progressive. If something works I'm for it, if it doesn't find something that does. I admit I have been wrong in the past, I was totally against Needle Exchange programs until I saw the results and it showed I was wrong, people were healthier, living better and more people were breaking the habit. I have the facts, the numbers and they bear out. I cannot base my decisions on someone's interpretations of what the invisible cloud being said nor can I learn anything if I just subscribe to party line votes because WWJD in this situation. I believe in God however he nor any religious entity should be used as a prop or an excuse to do terrible things nor should it blind you so ideologically that you cannot see the forest for the trees. That's what I see in Bush voters, a blind child like faith and it bothers me that intelligent people just turn off when the facts don't fit their rhetoric. There is nothing you can say or do because their belief, their faith in Republicans and George Bush trumps reality.

I support John Kerry because we need science back, we need honest brokers, adults who know what they're doing. I am not a blind follower, I doubt that Kerry can turn around Iraq I doubt just reinstating the $200,000 and up tax rates will be enough to pay for his health care plan, especially when there are no big spending cuts in wasteful programs. John Kerry has not produced what I would personally like to have, allot of speculation is going on here and I worry about it. John Kerry has shown me he is willing to bend and back off of promises he made because he cannot live up to them. Many politicians promise everything under the moon and have you noticed Kerry has offered very little and many of his economic plans could work if done correctly, the rich pay their fair share and we pay down the debt. Kerry was the lead into the BCCI Scandal which proves to me beyond any doubt that John Kerry understand terrorism and how it works, Kerry's war wasn't on a noun like Bush's it brought to light dark American secrets that needed to be exposed and helped cripple terror cells and drug cartels, Bush cannot claim the same.

I don't hate America or think it's evil, people who use that argument against you are intellectually inferior to you and should not be taken seriously. As an American it's my duty to make sure the republic stays away from tyranny and illegality because if it hurts you it hurts me in the long run. Vietnam, Iran Contra and now Iraq are black eyes on the United States and only one group can at least fix some of the problems and that team is Kerry/ Edwards. We cannot privatize social security, we cannot establish a national sales tax and for my sake we cannot reinstate the draft (which by the way if Bush wins I'm signing up because the new draft will bar draftees from college loans or health care and I have a rather large skill set and I'm healthy so I'm prime rib)

I may not be a believer but I do from the evidence I see and I've read that John Kerry will be good for this country!


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