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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Kerry's lying to *Negros?*

Read this funny para

Kerry is lying to Negroes about being disenfranchised in Florida.  You may recall that it was Democrats in West Palm Beach and other Dem strongholds in Florida who tried to steal the election in 2000 by having people stuff several blank ballots in the voting machine at the same time and punching the Democrat Party slate--giving rise to ''hanging'' and ''pregnant'' chads (partially punched out ballots).  If a single ballot is placed in a Vote-a-Matic machine, which is the proper and legal way to vote, it is virtually impossible to punch one's vote in such a way as to produce either a hanging or bulging chad; each punch is clean and complete, producing a perfectly punched-out hole. 

Too bad, the vote-a-matic is a disproven fraud, besides that c'mon Negros. Of course this doesn't make this person a racist, it sounds like he's just stuck in 1963.


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