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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The hunt for UBL has gone cold

Way to get the bastard that killed almost 3000 people

United States forces hunting for Osama bin Laden say he appears to have relinquished day-to-day control over the al Qaeda terrorist group.

The top American commander in Afghanistan, Lieutenant General David Barno, has told a briefing at the Pentagon that there's NO indication that bin Laden is dead or seriously ill.

He also declined to repeat a prediction he made in January that bin Laden would be brought to justice by the end of the year, and conceded the US military did not know where he was.

"I don't see any indications that he is in day to day command and control, as it where, of the al-Qaeda organisation or the other terrorist groups that work with them. But certainly in the Afghanistan /Pakistan area. "


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