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Friday, October 29, 2004

Hannity lying about Al Qaqqa

Some pictures of one of those "looted before the war" explosives and the name of the facility the army was in.being filmed during the war.

Listen to Hannity LIE about the missing explosives. Here and Here

Did you hear that?

What proof did Sean Hannity have that the NY times story was false, what single shred of proof does he have to say the story is false?

The New York times stories were never debunked, the CBS story was NEVER debunked and NBC NEVER claimed they debunked the story. That is just another lie because the reality doesn't suit their rhetoric.

So I heard someone question the footage because there were no IAEA seals, so here is the pictures of the said IAEA seals.

Case closed, conversation over, game, set, match.

The explosives were there when the war started, the 101st opened the IAEA sealed bunkers and examined them, finding explosives and detonators with IAEA stickers on the side. There is nothing more to say about this except this is just another example of the incompetent Bush administration and their shills trying to pass the buck to someone else. This is dishonest on the part of Sean Hannity to say something he should have know to be untrue, last night did he admit that he was wrong or that he made false claims?

Hannity is a propagandist, pure and simple.


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