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Sunday, October 24, 2004

The bodies of more than 40 Iraqi army recruits have been found following an ambush near the Iranian border in the north-east of the country.

So Mr. Cheney are those death included as well?

Police said many of the soldiers had been shot in the head.

Hours later, a US diplomat was killed in a mortar attack at Camp Victory near Baghdad airport.

Ed Seitz, assistant regional security officer at the US embassy in Baghdad, is believed to be the first US diplomat killed during the current war.

A website often used by militants published a statement attributed to the group led by Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in which it claimed to have carried out the army recruits massacre.

This was an execution. We found the dead lying face down by the roadside with a single bullet wound

Police said the bodies of the recruits - who were not armed - were found near the village of Mandali, south of Baquba.

"This was an execution. We found the dead lying face down by the roadside with a single bullet wound to the head," Iraqi national guard commander Ali al-Kaaki is quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.

A local police official said that all had their hands crossed behind their heads.

Interior Ministry spokesman Adnan Abdul Rahman said 37 bodies were found shot dead on the side of the road, while the bodies of 12 others were found in a burned bus.

There was confusion over the precise figures. The Iraqi National Guard said 48 troops and three drivers were killed.

They were shot execution style, 48 people were murdered by someone less than a foot away. We need to fix the problem over there, this bothers me it's worse then we think it is. Every sense I have is telling me this is bad and it's pointing to a larger trend growing. Unless they are stopped we haev a real problem over there and Bush just isn't the answer!


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