Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Saturday, August 14, 2004

Wow the Krugman/O'Reilly debate is awful!

Bill is such a blow hard and someone needs to put him in his place, I'm watching him lie on camera, obvious false hoods there is nothing you can do. The damn Traditionalist monkier IS no diffrent than a gobbels ad, I stand for tradition.....Well what traditions do you stand for? The Bullshit false rose colored glasses view of the 1950's atomic family, church on Sundays and Lassie, or the real 1950's for the rest of America, segergation, repression, censorship, and fear! I look at both as real views of that decade and still O'Reilly's using that as a crutch to sell his right wing garbage.

Krugman is timid as hell and almost looks scared of Bill for a second there I thought Bill would have punched him once or twice. Especially when Media Matters was brought up, O'Reilly constantly goes to the far right "bomb throwers" for his info but Krugman cannot use a left wing media watchdog group using his own quote?

Much better than the Michael Moore/O'Reilly debate.


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