Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Friday, August 27, 2004

Today while I was out we left the Best Buy.

I was with my mom and she drove well her car has a Bush/Cheney sticker on the back. So after we got done shopping we came back to the car and under the windshield wipers was a note that read as the following:

How can you vote for a dick like that

To be honest with you I always ask the same thing, however it's in jest but I would never leave a lewd note under someone's windshield or just start talking shit to someone like that, especially in a cowardly note. It's no different then the horrible hate mail I get from the Hannity is a moron site, it's mean spirited and cruel and very vicious.

To top it off there was a guy registering voters and he had a sign on his table : Democrats make the world better he had blue pens all over his table and he scanned us walking out of the store, watched us the entire way back to the car; where we found the note...Written in blue ink.

The Republicans are worse and often get vicious.

If you need to get something like that off of your chest leave a clean note or wait to talk with them offer them lunch or buy them a beer do something constructive DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE!

This is also the 500th post, proving I have way too much time on my hands!


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