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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Sunday, August 29, 2004

Saw this over at Blah 3

New Yorkers apparently don't know "what being Patriotic is all about."

"I left God's country," said Leon Mosley of Waterloo, Iowa, co-chairman of his state party. "They could use a bunch of people from Iowa to come here to show New Yorkers what life is all about, what being patriotic is all about, and what country is all about. I'm as confident about Bush being re-elected as I am that eggs are going to be in New York tomorrow morning.''

Hey Leon, FUCK YOU!

This is all of the same BS, like Laura Ingrham calling the South "The Real America".

Because I live in California or New York I don't know what being patriotic or know "what lifes all about"? These bastards apparently don't understand that we are a republic made of many different states and commonwealths in a united purpose; the real America IS a New Yorker and Californian, a Floridian and a citizen of the oxygen deprived Waterloo, Iowa.

I am a Patriot, I know what country's all about, and I sure as hell know what "life", hard work and sacrifice are all about and how dare you call any of that in to question Leon Mosley, regardless of what state or party you belong to we are all Americans and you have NO RIGHT to call any of that into question, doing that borders on being anti-American but I wouldn't say that. I know I have to share my country with the likes of you and to tell you to move or calling you Anti-American wouldn't be American.

This kind of rhetoric just shows what limited people they really are.


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