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Monday, August 30, 2004

Kerry/Edwards the most Liberal Senators or are they?

Not according to the National Review, so lets look at the numbers and ignore the talking points!

Read the article and digest what is written, the Bush camp hijacked the list and used it incorrectly to protray a false impression IE: THEY LIED about Kerry & Edwards, but what do you expect from these guys, a honest debate of the issues?

Forward the link around to everyone you know who spouts that propaganda tripe!

Make them eat their words!

Lifetime Averages

In the following chart, the 48 sitting Senate
Democrats are ranked based on their "lifetime
average" composite liberal score in National
Journal's annual congressional vote ratings.
NJ began compiling the ratings in 1981.

(Year First Elected Or Appointed) Liberal Score
1. Mark Dayton, D-Minn. (2000) 90.3

2. Paul Sarbanes, D-Md. (1976) 89.4

3. Jack Reed, D-R.I. (1996) 89.3

4. Jon Corzine, D-N.J. (2000) 88.8

5. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass. (1962) 88.6

6. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif. (1992) 88.5

7. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa (1984) 87.6

8. Richard Durbin, D-Ill. (1996) 87.3

9. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J. (1982) 86.2

10. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt. (1974) 86.0

11. John Kerry, D-Mass. (1984) 85.7 See he isn't the MOST LIBERAL Senator so shut up!

12. Carl Levin, D-Mich. (1978) 85.5

13. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y. (2000) 83.9

14. Patty Murray, D-Wash. (1992) 83.8

14. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich. (2000)83.8

16. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md. (1986) 82.4

16. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. (1998) 82.4

18. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii (1990) 82.0

19. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash. (2000) 81.0

20. Russell Feingold, D-Wis. (1992) 80.0

21. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. (1996) 79.8

22. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. (1980) 78.9

23. Tom Daschle, D-S.D. (1986) 78.8

24. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va. (1984) 77.3

25. Joseph Biden, D-Del. (1972) 76.6

25. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawaii (1962) 76.6

27. John Edwards, D-N.C. (1998) 75.7 Even more conservative, not the number four after all!

28. Tim Johnson, D-S.D. (1996) 74.0

29. Herb Kohl, D-Wis. (1988) 73.0

30. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. (1992) 70.9

31 Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M. (1982) 70.7

32. Max Baucus, D-Mont. (1978) 70.1

33. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. (1992) 67.8

34. Bill Nelson, D-Fla. (2000) 67.3

35. Harry Reid, D-Nev. (1986) 65.3

36. Thomas Carper, D-Del. (2000) 65.0

37. Kent Conrad, D-N.D. (1986) 64.7

37. Bob Graham, D-Fla. (1986) 64.7

39. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va. (1958) 64.3

40. Joe Lieberman, D-Conn. (1988) 64.1

41. Mary Landrieu, D-La. (1996) 63.2

42. Evan Bayh, D-Ind. (1998) 62.0

43. Blanche Lincoln, D-Ark. (1998) 60.3

44. Mark Pryor, D-Ark. (2002) 60.2

45. Ernest Hollings, D-S.C. (1966) 58.1

46. John Breaux, D-La. (1986) 53.2

47. Ben Nelson, D-Neb. (2000) 48.5

48. Zell Miller, D-Ga. (2000) 35.0


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