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Monday, August 30, 2004

The Kerry Daughters AND the Bush daughters got booed at last nights why is the lead story mention only the Kerry Daughters in the headline?


It was unclear exactly whom the cheers and the boos were meant for or why. They began immediately after radio and MTV personality Carson Daly introduced "from New York, Barbara and Jenna Bush and here in Miami, Vanessa and Alexandra Kerry."

The Kerry daughters were at the event in Miami; the Bush daughters appeared in a pre-recorded video.

"My sister and I are thrilled to be here tonight with you all in Florida," said Vanessa Kerry, "and to get this chance to suggest that you get involved in this election and vote -- and hopefully that you vote for our father."

MTV cameras showed some audience members apparently giving the women a standing ovation, but the mixture of boos and cheers continued.

Alexandra Kerry added that millions of young Americans can help determine the November election, "but we appreciate that in our democracy people are free to feel differently about who they vote for."


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