Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Sunday, August 15, 2004

I'm called a Bush hater because of my policy differences, I do not hate President Bush however for eight years it was OK to call Bill Clinton a drug running, murdering, rapist, in fact you could get on FOX or other tabloid trash with that attitude, but I disagree (and was proven right) about his tax policy and obviously I hate the man.

Check out this review for Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition and tell me this isn't the perfect example of FOX on the brain.

null"dannysmith1979" (a Conservative from TEXAS) - See all my reviews
I cannot believe that you people who have reviewed this "documentary" thought that it was a fair representation of what occurred in Florida in the 2000 Election. You people must seriously have your heads stuck in the sand because you clearly have not seen the real news reports that covered the election. And to the gentleman from Washington, D.C., who said that President Bush learned from President Nixon the tricky ways to steal an election, I think you need to look no farther than the Democratic martyr of a president, President Kennedy, to show you how to really steal an election; from dead people voting in Chicago in 1962 to dead people voting in Florida in 2000. You people need to get out and watch some real news and read some real books, not watch these "documentaries" that attempt to rewrite history. Of course, reqriting history is something Democrats are quite good at, especially Hillary Clinton in her awful "autobiography" (which she did not even write herself).

It is a shame that I cannot give this "documentary" less than one star. It is truly deserving of less

So what does Hillary have to do with anything? We get called conspiracy nuts (which always gets a chuckle from the conspirators) if we bring up the Eron/Bush connection or the Bush/Saudi relationship, all of which has more meat to it than the Clinton scandals ever had but this guy goes right back to where he was led through the 90's, the garbage.

So where's the outrage over this?


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