Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Sunday, August 22, 2004

Buy this DVD!!!

I recieved a screener of this movie today and wow, this is one of the best movies I've seen!

Mandy Moore was a little hokey at times, however she was also surprising at times. Good movie

Look I'm a film snob I enjoy cinema, the craft all of it and it takes allot to impress me and this movie did just that. The best thing is it doesn't beat up Christians or Christianity which is usually the case in movies like this and that surprised me. Christians and people in general are conflicted in their lives, by choices plagued by our own imperfections and doubt. We're subjected without pity through the dumb luck of the universe, you can take that two ways: Torture yourself and everyone around you because of all of this and use any religion to justify it or except the fact that this is the way it is and try to make it better for yourself and everyone else and if religion is the force you gain strength from then more power to ya!

The movie delivers that message.

Go buy the movie and I guarantee you won't regret it!


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