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Thursday, July 22, 2004

White powder found at Kerry HQ, no telling if the white powder is from Texas circa 1972

Police sealed off the office building that houses Sen. John Kerry's headquarters on Thursday after a package with white powder was opened by campaign staff.

Kerry, D-Mass., and his vice presidential running mate, Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., were hundreds of miles away, campaigning their way toward next week's Democratic National Convention.

"An envelope was opened and white powder fell out," said campaign spokeswoman Debra DeShong. "On the recommendation of the Secret Service, we contacted the local police who are here investigating."

The discovery of the package prompted authorities to order a fleet of emergency vehicles to converge on the location, and personnel in biohazard suits entered the building.

DeShong had no further information, but other witnesses said the envelope was opened on the eighth floor, which houses the campaign's fund-raising and human resources departments along with a financial company unrelated to the Kerry campaign.

"There is a suspicious package found on one of the floors of the building," said an internal office e-mail distributed to campaign aides. "Emergency services, fire, police and hazmat are on site. Please be advised if you leave, you will not be allowed to re-enter until authorities have given the all clear."

Kerry aides continued with their work throughout the incident, though the building's air conditioning was shut down for at least 30 minutes.

This better be a damn hoax, it would be a damn shame if it were real!


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