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Wednesday, July 14, 2004

How dare the President say Kerry abandoned the troops

Courting conservative voters in Michigan's rural Upper Peninsula, President Bush said Tuesday that rival John Kerry abandoned support for U.S. troops in Iraq and then bragged about it.

"Leaders need to stand up with our military," Bush told a cheering crowd, kicking off a two-day tour of three crucial states that he lost in 2000 to Democratic Vice President Al Gore.

Kerry said Monday that he and running mate John Edwards were proud of the fact that they opposed the $87 billion aid package for Afghanistan and Iraq "when we knew the policy had to be changed." Kerry said the Bush administration should have gotten other allies to help with the war in Iraq.

"He is entitled to his view," Bush said, adding that Kerry should not have gone on to "brag about it."

Bush's visit to the largest city in Michigan's Upper Peninsula with a population of 20,000 was the first by a sitting president since William Howard Taft in 1911.

"It was worth the wait," Judi Schwalbach told the crowd. She is the mayor of the Upper Peninsula town of Escanaba, Mich. Bush's daughter, Barbara, accompanied him to Michigan.

Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak, whose district includes the Upper Peninsula, argued that Kerry and Edwards were right when they opposed the $87 billion because Bush misled the country about paying for the war, saying Iraqi oil would be used to cover the cost.

"If anyone let down the American people, it's this president," Stupak said. "He took a little bit of questionable evidence, exaggerated it and led us to war."

Bush drew applause when he criticized Kerry for his supportive comments about Hollywood stars following a New York fund-raiser in which celebrities called Bush and "thug" and a "liar."

"The other day my opponent said, when he was with some entertainers from Hollywood, that they were the heart and soul of America," Bush said. "I believe the heart and soul of America is found in places right here, in Marquette, Michigan."

Bush also criticized Kerry and Edwards for saying the administration has done a poor job of handling the economy.

"My opponents look at all this progress and somehow conclude that the sky is falling," declared Bush, saying that the economy has added 1.5 million new jobs since last summer, including 29,600 in Michigan since February.

How dare this guy talk like this, while this guys boasted "Bring them on" and gloated about being a "Wartime President" to ignoring every military planner who knew what the hell they were doing for the Neo-Con "flowers and candy" strategy.

Screwing up the war kill soilders, cutting benefits for our troops in combat and Veterans, men & women who bled for this country...something this current Cabal knows nothing about!


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