Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Happy Anniversary to Smafty Mac: Fighting the Kakistocracy

I almost forgot that a year ago today I started this blog.

I first heard of blogging on CNN and thought "Neat shit", now I can sound off all day, stumbled into blogger using google and I perked up when I read it was free the Jew in me couldn't turn it down, what's better than free?

I kept it around for awhile my life and work got in the way so the blog took the hit for awhile, than in September of 2003 I started as a contributer to Hannity is a moron and started to make changes and update the content and so the legend continues......

I want to thank personally every reader who takes time out of their day to listen read my rants and the news I think is important or just too retarded to be true or go on about Indie rock I hardly know.

Thank you for all of the e-mails and I hope to give you even more in the future including more updated and a new web page filled with lots of media!

Feel free to e-mail me anytime at about anything you want!

Thank you all very much, you do more for me than you know!



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