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Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Government makes web site for homeless, lack of Homeless access to WiFi "might be a problem"

The Department of Labor (DOL) today launched a Web site to help America's homeless find jobs through mainstream as well as targeted training, education and placement services and to provide a vital link to government- wide resources.

"This Web page furthers the Administration's commitment to helping the homeless, including homeless veterans," said U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao, who serves as vice chairman of the Interagency Council on Homelessness. "The Department of Labor is committed to pooling our resources and working together with Congress, our federal, state and local partners to achieve the President's goal of ending chronic homelessness in 10 years."

The Web page provides links to DOL's homeless programs as well as to other major government and non-government homeless Web pages and programs. Information on the new Web page will allow groups and individuals to better serve the homeless population. This page can be accessed at:

"The Labor Department administers programs providing employment and training services that are crucial components in the comprehensive efforts to address the cycle of homelessness," said Charles S. Ciccolella, deputy assistant secretary of DOL's Veterans Employment and Training Services, who is coordinating DOL's efforts toward eliminating chronic homelessness. "The Department offers both mainstream and targeted employment-focused programs that help lead to self-sufficiency. A full list of these programs is available through the Web site."

DOL has been addressing the needs of homeless Americans through a number of model targeted intervention and prevention programs, such as the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Program; the Incarcerated Veterans Transition Program; the Ready4Work and the Serious and Violent Reentry Initiative; the Jobs Corp Foster Care Recruitment Initiative; the Ending Chronic Homelessness through Employment and Training grants, which are jointly funded by DOL and the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and the President's new $300 Million Dollar Reentry Initiative for transitioning incarcerated individuals back into their communities and reducing recidivism.


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