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Thursday, July 29, 2004

DNC wrap-up

What a day, I missed most of it due to my project to fix up my backyard, busy day and lots of breakin' stuff!

Edwards speech was at least an 8 out of 10, Clinton and Obama really tore the roof off the Fleet center. I was hoping that John would have brought up the free speech zones and more about himself and Kerry but otherwise the "Two Americas" idea is catching on and it's all very true!

Missing everything today really threw me off and digging and breaking stuff really took it out of me, maybe I could catch some zzs now (seeing as how I've had 2 hours of sleep over the last 48 hours)

I will cover post responce to the speech and I hope Kerry knocks it out of the park tomorrow night, voters need to hear him address terrorism, people with screw themselves economically if they think they need to be protected he need to hit the rightwingers right where it hurts, Republican myths of being strong defense.

Kerry needs an 11 tomorrow night and to lose that stick up his ass, all I hope will occur tomorrow!


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