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Monday, July 19, 2004

Deliver us From Hannity, the review and debunking of "Deliver us from evil" part one

"He was found cowering in a hole in the ground, out by a farm house in a desolate country town, he had only the clothes on his back..."

At first I thought he was referring to the whereabouts of President Bush during that mysterious AWOL 'incident'. Buried in the ground coked out of is mind, coming down, sweating from his yellowed black circled eyes. Scratching at his subterranean prison, buried alive by his disgusted family. However I think he Sean was going for Saddam, not Bush, still more clues where dropped, making me even more suspicious of the real subject of Sean's opening, isn't this President Bush?

He lives high life while we suffer, Bush has terrorized his people but not with rape rooms (well at least here in the US, we opened ours in Iraq) but with Phantom Arabs with Anthrax and nukes ready to strike the closest Iowa Corn field they can find.

I was letting my imagination get the best of me, I don't think Bush would know what to do with an AK-47 and he would have had more than $200,000 in uncirculated bills.

The more I listen the more I am convinced of three things

1. Sean is a limited person
2. Sean is clearly not a historian
3. Sean Hannity is allergic to the truth, like my sister with peanuts I believe if he is exposed he will get all puffy and die.

To understand Sean Hannity's worldview doesn't require brain damage as one might expect, it's easy if you break it down. He is the personality type who would burn his house down to protect it from robbers, sure all if his possessions are gone and air looms have met a crispy fate but at least robbers wont get a hold of it, he would also label you "pro thievery" if you called his actions, and rightfully so: stupid.

The book starts off on why Iraq was a sort of moral crusade against Hitler-lite Saddam Hussein and the differences between Bush's moral clarity and Clinton's appeasement view. Sean clearly doesn't give credit where it is due and often defeats his own arguments. Take for instance this about the so-called "Monica Bombs"

Obviously Sean failed to read the Kay report or listen to numerous weapons inspectors when they credit those "Monica bombs" for destroying the last known stockpiles of WMD. This is a far cry from lobbing missiles for political gain; if any one said the President periodically raises the Terror alert to take our attention off of the Economy or the quagmire in Iraq Hannity would foam at the mouth and attack.

Sean even lies about our discovery of WMD

A side note before we go any further, the book was published before we officially called those "mobile weapons labs" what they were hydrogen trucks for weather balloons; we'll see if he changes this in the paperback edition, I'm not holding my breath on this on.

There are two forms of lying, the first is outright lying, such as claiming Saddam and Osama were linked together or Martians are currently residing in House cats to stage an all out take over of C-SPAN 2, which we all know it's Kangaroos the Martians have taken over and their sights are set on Court TV. The second is lying by omission, if you leave out key facts you can draw any conclusion you want. By misleading us you can make OZ seem like home, even fool Toto.

Case in point Botulism is a terrible disease not to be made light of; it can kill, paralyze you, or give you worst stomachache of you life. Yet we deny that the rich shoot this deadly toxin into their faces with the majority without serious problems. Sean equated the botulism found in Iraq to WMD not the vanity bug. He fails to mention the condition of the said vial of toxin, a fact that will either make or break his point, and his point is broken. WMDs have shelve lives depending on what it is the life can vary, something he left out. The questions I would ask would be: where was it found? What strain was it? Was it weaponized? And how old is it?

The answers are a fridge, the not so dangerous strain a, no it wasn't weaponized, and it had been sitting in that fridge for over twelve years.

So in affect this was useless goo, sure it you took a shot illness would be certain but this wasn't a Weapon of mass destruction it was a weapon of mild annoyance (WMA) much like the Sarin gas canisters launched at our troops. The exposed soldiers got headaches, not melting skin or burning lungs they got what I got listening to Hannity. WMDs need specific environments; even a temperature drop of only a degree can make VX or other nerve agents useless. The Anthrax mailer, if you remember this guy killed postal workers with advanced anthrax but not the other exposed outside of the postal system, why? The Anthrax was introduced to a new environment and it had to adapt and without the proper living conditions it lost it's potency and fizzled out. You could still catch it however it wasn't as lethal as it was before.

So who cares if they found useless sludge in Iraq, many Americans have this form of botulism in their own fridges, in the form of two-week-old Chinese Take-out.

Speaking of the big red commie machine, their human rights violations make Saddam look like Gandhi with a thicker mustache. The Chinese violently stamp out religious figures, people of any faith. The death toll is reaching over 260 million people, that's right hundreds of millions of people have died by Gassing, by biological attacks, or even the old fashion starve them then bleed them to death with straws and many other too numerous to mention, they possess Nuclear weapons aimed at every major city, the fuel international terrorism, the drug trade, the illegal weapons trade, the Sex slave trade and they print counterfeit US currency much like their neighbors in North Korea.

They are monsters, demons whatever medieval term you want to label them who want to hurt us, a government who has admitted freely they want us broken on our knees. Where is our moral crusader, Where is George Bush?

George Bush is appeasing them from his comfy oval office chair.

Don't believe me? He's had the premiere at the white house, they laughed, shared drinks, had a "Good conversation", hell they're still hold "most favored nation status" and these bastards trick out toddlers and kill babies outside of the womb.

Using Sean's own argument Bush becomes the appeaser and again using the same argument you can turn Clinton into the moral crusader for what he did in Kosovo, he saw them for what they were not Endless deployments like Hannity suggests but moral warriors fighting against ethnic cleansing, an evil like Nazism.

Using a broad, ambiguous, more often than not specious arguments and labels can contradict him every time he opens his mouth. The reason we don't invade China or Russia or North Korea is simply it would get very messy and very ugly, they have over two billion people living in China and the largest military in the world, it they could throw at us wave after wave of trained soldiers and believe me when I say it would kick down your door, pull you out of your home and execute you and your family on your perfect green lawns.

To avoid such conflicts we negotiate, put sanctions on or punish economically such countries. Our opening trade with them have brought new freedoms, certainly not like I would want but it's a start.

This idea requires someone who sees the larger picture and he obviously doesn't get it.

Sean's lack of history is troubling and you should be worried because people believe what he says is true, the mark of a great propagandist. Two excerpts blow his Historical confronting of evil right out of the water. After you listen to the first one just take a minute and calm down and yes, he is a moron

Sure that's true if you forget we were attacked at Pearl Harbor and the next day Germany, an ally of Japan declared war on us, not the other way around. The excerpt was not taken out of context; so don't flag me with E-mails. When you forge history to fit your model of the world you leave out the truth of the events, we knew about the concentration camps before we were attacked in '41 they existed on December 7 of 1940, we knew about their Evil and did nothing until it hit our doorstep. A loaded example of "appeasment" has to be this clip That's right the father of JFK, Robert and Ted Kennedy said that about Hitler without a doubt, Henry Ford was a proud supporter of the Third Reich. With that said why did Hannity mention Joe Kennedy when there are so many others out there who praised Hitler? The only possible conclusion you can draw is Sean is linking this bogus appeasement label to Teddy through his father. I am not one for sins of the father being passed down to the children nor that of their grand children so I gues Sean just over looked the fact that Prescot Bush actually funded the Nazis and was arrested twice for trading with the enemy. So Prescot funneled money to the Nazis that helped build those camps, Joe Kennedy changed his tune, Prescot Bush got caught and did it again, who is the appeaser now?

"Deliver us from Evil" is just full of this kind of pseudo history, from WWII to the Reagan era half truths of outright distortions, it's troubling to use the word 'distortion', he may honestly believe what he is saying, he may be such a poor student of history of or possibly just drowning in his own propaganda to just listen to what he's saying, His treatment of the Shah of Iran equating him to "kinda mean" from the brutal despot he was and blaming his fall of Jimmy Carter, instead of the people who got sick and tired of living in a dictatorship, who cut the strings of the American puppet. That being said the Iranians made the wrong choice after the overthrow and we let it spiral out of control both Carter and Reagan let it get out of hand and the only people who are still suffering are the Iranians, they threw out one monster for another. No mention of the Shah's brutality or his rape/torture rooms just a even Conservative historians said he wasn't nice, wow so let's look over the fact that the Shah was a monster to his people, Ollie North said we had a listening post there; Leaving out the real history of Iran Sean builds his arguments on excuses and dishonesty, he even goes as far as blaming Carter for the rise of Saddam Hussein and the Reagan administrations relationship, again omitting the fact that Saddam was a US puppet dating to the '50s.

In Sean's world he must deify Reagan, turn him into a demi-god free from mistakes and bad policy decisions. Glowing over what Kraghthammer lovingly called the 'Reagan Doctrine' this was apparently what brought down the Soviet Union not that fact that Totalitarian Communism was a bankrupt (literally) style of government, they were on their way out on both sides that is acknowledged, except in the Church or Regus Maximus. His policies foreign and domestic caused big problem not only here but also around the world. What do you think happened to those 30,000 + South Americans who were disappeared? Did they go to the same farm your parents said they took your dog to? I really don't think they are happier where they are now, neither is your dog. These people are DEAD we supported the Sandinistas they were responsible for the deaths of those people, and they are culpable so are we or at the very least Reagan who's policy caused it to happen. Reagan the "Tax Cutter" gave us the largest tax increase in our history, SDI didn't work in the 80s and it doesn't work in the double o's and on and on. Reagan apologized when he made mistakes, he admitted when he was wrong but you won't hear that from Hannity, ever Reagan was guilt free and saved the world. I believe the way Sean exalts Reagan would make him very angry, what Sean left out tells another story altogether.

I was no fan of Bill Clinton, I'm Clinton neutral He wasn't our greatest President but he wasn't our worst either. Sean without having a backbone creeped around calling Clinton an all out coward but he did say he shamed us in Somalia with the images of charred remains being dragged through the streets of Mogadishu. So what happened in Fallujia when not only troops but also Americans contracters were dragged through the street, hung on bridges and beaten like pinatas doesn't shame President Bush? It doesn't show that Iraq is a far bigger mess than FOX tells us it is? The country that fell in a matter of days but we don't control all of Iraq, didn't we beat them? Just today the New Prime Minister of Iraq is letting Al-Sadr republish his Anti-US newspaper, if you don't remember him he united the Shiites and Sunnis against the US and boy we felt it in Fallujah. I agree that the Somalia mission was flawed and Clinton messed, and using the same intellectual honesty you have to admit the Bush screwed up Iraq and we're paying for it with the blood of our soldiers. How can't see why Sean excuses poor planning on Bush's part, letting the politicians fight our wars and then jump on Clinton for that same kind of screw up, Clinton learned why and that's why Kosovo went so well.

Check out Part two later in the week! lots and lots of clips!

(Disclaimer: These MP3 files are not for download, they are copyrighted material, if you want it: download itunes and pay the $15.95. This is for an educational purpose, The author has made no profit, nor will accept any for thiese posts )


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