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Saturday, July 24, 2004

Deliver us from Evil Part: 2

David Kay on WMDs

"I'm personally convinced that there were not large stockpiles of newly produced weapons of mass destruction," Kay told the New York Times. "We don't find the people, the documents or the physical plants that you would expect to find if the production was going on. I think they gradually reduced stockpiles throughout the 1990s. Somewhere in the mid-1990s the large chemical overhang of existing stockpiles was eliminated ... The Iraqis say they believed that [the U.N. inspection program] was more effective [than U.S. analysts believed], and they didn't want to get caught."

What happened in 1998?

Since the United States launched a war to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein in March, teams of U.S. inspectors like the U.N. teams before them have found no clear evidence to back U.S. and British claims Saddam had secret caches of weapons of mass destruction.
       The allegation that Saddam Hussein had revived his nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs after U.N. inspectors left Iraq in December 1998 was the main justification for war.

So what happened in 1998? Oh that's right the Monica bombs the ones every Conservative I knew called "wag the dog" and our Conservative buddies never let that one go. The inspectors on the ground said otherwise, IAEA said otherwise and on and on. This wasn't a "wag the Dog" moment by any means, we bombed a viable target and killed Saddam's (already fetus like) Nuclear capabilities and the last stockpiles of WMD developed before 1998.


Apparently protesting is wrong, damn that freedom for speech and assembly, the funniest tidbit he gave us was about Florida, whacky Left wing protesters..... I don't remember that. Yet I do remember the DC Republicans posing as Floridians trying to stop the legal recounts of votes.

Here's their collective mugs, names and former positions

1. Tom Pyle, policy analyst, office of House Majority Whip Tom DeLay (R-Tex.).
2. Garry Malphrus, majority chief counsel and staff director, House Judiciary subcommittee on criminal justice.
3. Rory Cooper, political division staff member at the National Republican Congressional Committee.
4. Kevin Smith, former House Republican conference analyst and more recently of
5. Steven Brophy, former aide to Sen. Fred D. Thompson (R-Tenn.), now working at the consulting firm KPMG.
6. Matt Schlapp, former chief of staff for Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), now on the Bush campaign staff in Austin.
7. Roger Morse, aide to Rep. Van Hilleary (R-Tenn.).
8. Duane Gibson, aide to Chairman Don Young (R-Alaska) of the House Resources Committee.
9. Chuck Royal, legislative assistant to Rep. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.).
10. Layna McConkey, former legislative assistant to former Rep. Jim Ross Lightfoot (R-Iowa) now at Steelman Health Strategies

Imagine that, not a SINGLE one of them were from Florida.

The protests in Florida were because of of voters being illegally removed from the voter rolls in Florida, I've gone into great depth on the subject so I won't rehash it, I do recommend you pick up The Best Democracy Money Can Buy written by Greg Palast It gives the factual and documented account of the selection of the President.

For Vietnam, read the The Pentagon Papers and tell me you would have supported the war and please don't get upset at those damn peace-nick bastards for being right, if it makes you feel better it was bound to happen even a broken clock is right twice a day, you know Vietnam being based on lies and granola, it's delicious.

Is Sean Hannity Pro war?

Listen to the audio:

I can't help but chuckle when i hear it, listen again

Sean pretending to be sophisticated or intellectual always backfires on him, when he opens his mouth he gives his charade away, he's not sophisticated or intellectual and I doubt he even understands half of what guests on either side of the aisle explains to him. The audio clearly states he is Pro-war, just in a round-about way.

So your not Pro-War but you will strike "Evil" using war, is Sean trying in a round about way to say he's Pro-Choice about going to war, he doesn't like but if it's "necessary" to kill for a greater good, he'd like to have the option available.


The audio book is full of big words you know he never EVER uses in real life, he wants to sound smart and who could blame him, no one wants to be called stupid. My advice is lay of the big words and stop pretending you're an intellectual it doesn't agree with you.


I will wrap up the rest of it this book review as soon as Wednsday, assuming my host doesn't go down and delete my files, again. I'm redoing almost all of my part 2 audio, this is what I had left.

(Disclaimer: These MP3 files are not for download, they are copyrighted material, if you want it: download itunes and pay the $15.95. This is for an educational purpose, The author has made no profit, nor will accept any for thiese posts )


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