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Friday, July 30, 2004

Bush calls Kerry a man with few achievements, talk about transference, Dubya wouldn't have accomplished anything if he wasn't a Bush!

resident Bush sought to grab back the political spotlight from John Kerry on Friday by casting his Democratic rival as a man of few achievements and offering a bare-bones preview of his own second-term agenda.

"We're turning the corner and we're not turning back," Bush told cheering supporters on a rain-soaked ballpark in Springfield, Missouri, as he returned to the campaign trail a day after Kerry's televised Democratic National Convention speech.

In his sharpest attack yet, Bush said Kerry had little to show for nearly 20 years in the U.S. Senate, including eight years on the Intelligence Committee. During that time, Bush said, Kerry had "no record of reforming" the intelligence services.

Kerry has made intelligence reform a cornerstone of his campaign and has called for the quick adoption of the recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, stepping up pressure on the president, who is expected to act by executive order next week.

Bush, who aides said slept rather than watch his rival's Democratic nomination acceptance speech to run against him in November, defended his actions in Iraq and warned: "If America shows uncertainty or weakness in this decade, the world will drift toward tragedy. This will not happen on my watch."


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