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Sunday, June 06, 2004

Texas Republicans are fucking insane!

Delegates adopted a plank that strongly supports the war in Iraq. Another plank re-emphasizes long-standing conservative antipathy toward the United Nations by calling for the United States to rescind its membership in the U.N. and physically evict the U.N., which is headquartered in New York, from U.S. soil.

An anti-big-government attitude pervades the document with various planks calling for reduced spending, tax cuts and abolition of the Internal Revenue Service. The platform proposes replacing the federal income tax with a national retail sales tax.

The document also includes a plank calling for new restrictions on lawsuits brought over exposure to asbestos.

The platform also calls for repeal of the hate crimes law, repeal of the minimum wage, opposes the provision of reproductive health services, including condoms, in public schools and proposes the death penalty as a punishment option for rape.


Repeal the minimum wage, abolish the income tax, and physically evict the UN from the US after we drop out of course.

I'm finding it very difficult to express how I feel about this BS, stupid, ignorant bastards.

Example by abolishing the minimum wage an Austin employer lowers his wages from $8.52 to $4.37, which lowers your monthly income from a gross of $1363.20 to poverty level gross of $699.20. Under the national retail tax or tax plans like the Flat tax fail to inform you that those rates are not FLAT or at a lower rate than what you're paying now. Under the Texas Republican plan the retail tax will be very large, as high as 30% Let's do the math shall we!

PS2 costs $199.99 + 30%= $259.98

WOW, that's insane but that was a luxury item, what about Milk or hamburger meat, salad mix, most people's list when going to the store.

Under the Republican plan you will pay: $6.48 for two gallons of milk
Under the Republican plan you will pay: $3.25 for a bag of mixed salad
Under the Republican plan you will pay: $3.88 for a carton of OJ
Under the Republican plan you will pay: $9.00 for a seven-pound chicken at $.99 a pound.

Four items from your list will cost you $22.61 under the Texas Republican plan

Those four items here in California will cost you $17.41 and we have a high tax rate.

This of course doesn't cover rent, utilities, car & insurance payments all of which doesn't change under their plan, you pay the same rates with possible increases in the future and under no plan do they restrict employers from drastic wage decreases.

Now our Republican friends will be out there saying "Well you get what you want, hammering the rich with this kind of tax" and it's true it would hammer the rich...if they weren't rich that is. They have the money to spend, hence the progressive rate. Under the Texas Republican plan your tiny $699.20 will be devoured by Republican supported sales tax. Now a CEO who cut wages in Austin is very unlikely to get a pay cut, so his $1,000,000 salary is just that, $1 Million dollars.

He can afford to spend more than the $22 bucks because of the money he has to burn...can you afford it?

You save nothing, you pay more under the Republican plan their answer to "Big government" is to fight it with "Big Business", still slaves just different masters.

I personally couldn't stand a 30% tax rate on Guinness, might make me stop drinking...might.

I'm still shocked this is their idea of proper government, they hate you, they want Serfs not citizens!


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