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Tuesday, June 29, 2004

A real poll question proves voters know the diffrence between John Kerry and Dubya

In a new poll released today, a majority of voters supporting Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass) for president agreed with the statement, “He is not George Bush.”

The poll results seem to indicate that Mr. Kerry’s status as someone who is not President Bush is pivotal to his appeal among those who support him. Of those surveyed, 98 percent said they believed that John Kerry was not George Bush, with a scant 2 percent answering “Don’t know.”

Asked to name the issue that concerned them most, 9 percent of Kerry voters named “improving the economy,” 12 percent named “fighting terrorism,” and a whopping 79percent named “electing someone who is not George Bush.”

“With weeks to go until our convention, it’s significant that so many voters already believe that John Kerry is not George Bush,” said Kerry strategist Bob Shrum. “Once our ad buys get underway, we expect the number of people believing John Kerry is not George Bush will only increase.”

Perhaps in response to the poll results, the Bush campaign today responded with a series of ads intended to plant seeds of doubt in the voters’ minds about whether or not John Kerry is, in fact, not George Bush.

How pathetic, this is what they are polling?

Americans aren't that stupid, why not ask them to identify a picture of a cat and a dog that makes about as much sense!


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