Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Saturday, June 12, 2004

Hate Mail!

Well it was bound to happen so here is why I did what I did.

Wingnuts out there, listen up, Ronald Reagan was just a man. He was not a deity nor a prophet, he was just a man. Have you ever wondered why Nancy doesn't want her husband on the dime or on Mt. Rushmore? Maybe if you paid attention a little more you might know why, he didn't want to be idolized. He was a humble man, a humble man with many faults yes but still down to earth. To rename the Pentagon wouldn't have sat well with him, or the removing Hamilton from the $10, he viewed it as a job and he wanted to do well! Reagan was just like other Presidents he had faults, he did some pretty good things along with some very bad things, that is the measure of a man ALL OF HIS ACTIONS, not just the ones you put on display.

If you still have a problem, I can't help you!


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