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Thursday, June 10, 2004

French actress acts like southern GOP

The Paris court sentenced Bardot, 69, for remarks in her book "A Scream in the Silence," an outspoken attack on gays, immigrants and the jobless that shocked France last year.

In the book, she laments the "Islamization of France" and the "underground and dangerous infiltration of Islam."

"Mme. Bardot presents Muslims as barbaric and cruel invaders, responsible for terrorist acts and eager to dominate the French to the extent of wanting to exterminate them," the court said.

France's 5-million-member Muslim community is the largest in Europe.

Bardot, who was not present for the verdict, denied the charges in a tearful court appearance last month, saying her book did not target Islam or people from North Africa.

She told the court France was going through a period of decadence and said she opposed interracial marriage.

"I was born in 1934, at that time interracial marriage wasn't approved of," she said.

"There are many new languages in the new Europe. Mediocrity is taking over from beauty and splendor. There are many people who are filthy, badly dressed and badly shaven."

From that last line it's apperent she has never been to Paris before, plenty of them are unshaven, badly dress, and in need of baths and most of them are white!

As for the Jobless rate in France, they need to get them working they make more at home than they do working, that kind of system does make Caddy queens. Seriously, they pay artists welfare to sit on their ass and do nothing but paint sometimes (and they demonstration to demand more in '98)

She is a racist, I feel sorry for her!


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