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Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Cheney's underground bunker

Top White House officials expressed anger after TIME magazine detailed the location of Vice President Dick Cheney's secret bunker, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.

In new editions, TIME revealed "Site R," an underground bunker on the Maryland-Pennsylvania border where the Vice President spent much of his time in 2001.

TIME wrote: "Deep under Raven Rock Mountain, Site R is a secret world of five buildings, each three stories tall, computer filled caverns and a subterranean water reservoir. It is just 7 miles from Camp David."

Raven Rock Mountain is easily found using basic geographical maps.

One White House officials fumed Monday night: "TIME magazine would have revealed secret the location of Anne Frank, if they knew it.

Anne Frank was an innocent little girl, I would never say TIME magazine would revel her location to the Nazis. Cheney should hide in his Spiderhole for a few months.


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