Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Monday, June 21, 2004

The 60 minutes interview was surprisingly very bland, I watched it and saw a very cold, remorseless person.

The cemetery visit, the Starr affair, it doesn't seem that he is really sorry for lying under oath. If he didn't lie about that damn affair those 200 FBI agents wouldn't have been assigned to the case against him and Clinton could have focused on UBL.

That bothered me, regardless of the fact that the Right wing "Conspiracy" did exist, my personal belief is he is playing the victim disregarding the fact he had his part in the fiasco. His dual persona is dead on; people who live that kind of life operate in very different worlds in which they live. In his head he can make exceptions for his behavior without regard for the people in his life.

The interview didn't get me interested in the book; it did get me interested in reviewing the case against President Clinton. I want to see how the rightwing tried to pass off that travesty of justice to the American people.

Clinton is a very complex; he isn't just "Bubba" or "Slick Willy" he is a victim of his own weakness and master of his strength.


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