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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Thursday, May 20, 2004

Senate fighting over the new budget

A rebellion among moderate Republican senators trying to curb tax cuts has thrust the compromise $2.4 trillion budget for 2005 into deep trouble in the Senate, despite the measure's House passage.

The House used a mostly party-line 216-213 vote Wednesday to approve the fiscal blueprint, a modest one-year plan shorn of any long-range policies on deficit-reduction or job creation to minimize controversy.

Republican leaders were hoping the House vote and pressure from administration officials would get Senate GOP moderates to relent.

"I hope senators recognize the importance of helping our nation's families and urge them to act quickly to make sure millions of taxpayers don't get hit with a tax hike," Treasury Secretary John Snow said in a written statement.

What a load of crap, "millions of tax payers don't get hit with a tax hike". We will have to raise taxes yet that isn't the point, no it won't, back up what you say Snow.

WTF, we need to pay down the debt before it bites us on the ass!


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