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Saturday, May 22, 2004

Michael Moore: "The President had not been eating a pretzel when he heard the news."

After winning the top prize at Cannes for his anti-Bush documentary, American filmmaker Michael Moore said he hoped the President had not been eating a pretzel when he heard the news.

Moore admitted to one regret after accepting the Palme d'Or on Saturday -- he forgot to thank George W. Bush for providing the funniest lines in "Fahrenheit 9/11", a blistering attack on Bush's handling of Iraq and the war on terror.

Moore hopes to release the film this summer and spark heated political debate with his searing diatribe in the run-up to November's presidential election.

Asked what he thought Bush's reaction might be to the award, he told a packed news conference: "He is probably choking on a pretzel or something. I hope nobody tells him that I have won this award while he is eating a pretzel."

Bush fainted in 2002 after choking on a pretzel while watching a football game on television.

"He has the funniest lines in the film. I am eternally grateful to him," Moore said.

The Oscar-winning director mocked leading members of the Bush administration, saying: "I believe them to be actors.

"I forgot out there on the stage to thank my cast. So if I could do that now, I want to thank Mr Bush, Mr Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Rumsfeld. I thought the love scene between Cheney and Rumsfeld brought a tear to my eye."

he he he he he he


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