Smafty Mac: Fighting the kakistocracy!!!

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Fighting the slide back to the Dark Ages!.


Saturday, May 22, 2004

I finished watching "Bowling for Columbine" and wow, brilliant film.

The over all big picture idea of the movie is to lose the fear we have of each other, the Xenophobia only makes us crazy.

I live in a shitty town, the crime rate is pretty high and we've had attempted break ins, about 10 or so in 5 years. I do the rounds always a lite sleeper anyways the slightest sounds wakes me I am a bit paranoid because I caught someone the other day spying into my house, but I'm not afraid.

I know that seems very stupid, I just don't let them put fear in me. If I need to protect my own (god be with the idiots who break in) I'll do just that but I'm not scared.

We need to lose the anger and fear we have, it's eating us alive!

It's 5AM, good morning, I will post later today!


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